Have you ever.............

indeed, i especially love when babes pull their tits out while otherwise fully clothed

been so drunk you got a tattoo you weren't otherwise planning on getting

run out of gas while driving on a freeway
no...i don't remember ever running out of gas but one time i was pretty fucked up and put oil into the radiator...which i later had to deal with when i was sober

wanted to learn to do something for years and just never put the effort in (mechanics for me)
yes, anything that has to do with home maintenence...I rely on others to do it for me, and I hate that!

conquered your fears, been courageous, and did something that takes balls to do, like perform songs that you wrote in front of an audience
Not yet.

Took some random food from your fridge and/or cupboard then made a meal out of it that you thought was really nice.
indeed...maybe not gourmet but tasty

had your alarm wake you, gotten up started your coffee (or done your morning ritual), sat down on the couch, and fallen asleep
indeed...altho i sometimes see humor in things that others don't so it was probably funny to me :D

coughed and popped your ears and jaw at the same time...i'm getting over being sick and it kept happening (and was remarkably painful)

Gone back and read some the questions in this thread and realized that this thread may have run its course?
nope i just answer the question given and make a new one up (i'm sure some of mine have been repeats)

found yourself watching a 20 year old show cuz it was the best thing on tv and thought tv may have run it's course
Kind of, twice both when i was in hospital and i had just woke after the first night sleeping overnight thinking were am i for a sec or 2 then fully awoke and was like yea i'm in hospital with a broken leg/arm.

........Saw an ex-girlfriend or someone you fancied when younger and though....What did i see in you?