Have you ever.............

Tried to, but couldn't do it. Maybe it was because that bald, sweaty guy came and stood next to me and started playing with his nipples whilst looking at me. Suffice to say it got awkward.

....given a speech to a room full of people?
Oh, yes.

.... read a book or watched a movie you knew you wouldn't like in the hope that knowledge of its existence might get you laid?
No. Mainly because I don't have a car. :D

.... received an email from your internet service provider warning you about the level of illegal downloads detected from your computer?
If John Spencer were still alive I would say yes. Although, now with the new president in office I don't think it would feel the same.

... seen Tom Waits live in concert?
[Yep it does, especially here with "certain people"]

No, never been to Austria and to be honest never had Schnitzel.

.....taken a hallucinogenic drug?
Yes. As it turns out it wasn't that big of a deal. Great parents :1orglaugh

.... broken the "guy code" by dating a friends ex or sister?