No, and it wouldn't necessarily make you look retarted. ... ever had your salad tossed?
Shifty O.G. Oct 7, 2009 #3,901 No, and it wouldn't necessarily make you look retarted. ... ever had your salad tossed?
B BlueBalls Dead Oct 8, 2009 #3,908 I've posted in one, does that count? .... figured out why chickens even bother crossing the road?
I ILLFINDHER Oct 9, 2009 #3,909 YES to get to the other side isnt it!?!? dressed like a woman ,gone out on the town and beaten the shit out of a drunken thug?
YES to get to the other side isnt it!?!? dressed like a woman ,gone out on the town and beaten the shit out of a drunken thug?
Korastiz Oct 9, 2009 #3,910 Yep, and then I killed a few kittens afterwards for dessert. ...ran a marathon?
Shifty O.G. Oct 9, 2009 #3,911 No, too fn' lazy. ... broken something you bought and took it back to the store claiming it was busted when you opened the box?
No, too fn' lazy. ... broken something you bought and took it back to the store claiming it was busted when you opened the box?
D d-real Oct 10, 2009 #3,912 yes a headset, i broke the mic by twisting it to much. ... ever blamed someone for the mistake you made and got away with it?
yes a headset, i broke the mic by twisting it to much. ... ever blamed someone for the mistake you made and got away with it?
M mosvie Oct 10, 2009 #3,914 Nope Ever been caught doing an offence infront of a police officer/ cop/ social worker, etc.
Horny Devil Oct 10, 2009 #3,915 Yes. ...gone to a concert or sporting event and realized you left the tickets at home?
L lurkingdirk Oct 10, 2009 #3,916 no ...gone to a concert or sporting event and realized you left your pants at home?
Horny Devil Oct 10, 2009 #3,919 Can't say I have. ...taken something apart and couldn't put it back together again?
Korastiz Oct 10, 2009 #3,920 Sure have. ...taken a crap at someone's house you don't know very well, only to find out there's no toilet paper in the bathroom?
Sure have. ...taken a crap at someone's house you don't know very well, only to find out there's no toilet paper in the bathroom?