Does jizz count as food?
If so, then yes I do.
If so, then yes I do.
Food and sex don't mix. When I'm eating pussy I'm not thinking boy this would be better if some steak sauce was on it.
Does ice count?
If so, then yes...if not, then no.
Yep...banana, whipped cream, Chocolate syrup...not all at the same time though. Best thing though is an ice cube.
I'm still trying to figure out what to do with pumpkins.
Does ice count?
If so, then yes...if not, then no.
oh yeah, i forgot about ice. it should count.
Sometimes food is very sexy.
A couple of years ago there was a legendary phone call on the German talkshow Domian:
The guy said he regularly buys 60 pounds of ground meat, dumps it in the bathtub before he molds a female body from it.
when i first got with my girl she busted out the chocolate syrup for a really sweet blowjob.