Have you ever mated with a woman who didn't speak your language ?

Yeah, but that isn't hard for a Dutchman.;)
In the world the main languagues are English, German and Spanish, so I met a girl from France and we spoke French and English to each other.
Yeah. I've done it quite a few times (Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, Spanish). First time was awkward. After that when it happens I really dig it. THough I learned to speak the language after a while so those situations are becoming increasingly rare. I can speak Korean, Spanish, and ASL now, so I have also had complete dialogue in another language during sex. Still strange for me. Especially sign language. Kills it for me since I like chicks talking dirty.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I guess if she didn't respond to my incessant picking bugs, mud and feces out of her coat, my beating on my chest, my swinging from the thinnest tallest branch, my offerings of berries and leaves and my wonderful smile, then I've got no chance of mating with her.


Move that to the 'Best Nipples' thread.

I've never mated with a woman that spoke my language. I don't speak nagging.

Good call. I mean really!

Does the anal probe I received by the Martians count?

Depends on the shape of the NEXT item that came out yer anus. Did it cry, squeal or demand milk from a tit?


Well, if I said shagged here in the states it would mean that I had given her burned knee caps, i.e. rug / carpet burns and then therefore not know if she was in lust or agony :D lol !


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I'm not sure my boyfriend even lives on the same planet as the rest of us much less speaks the same languages... :1orglaugh

To confirm my point, he started a sentence last night with, "In my world..." :rofl:
Absolutely! It was senob. (and he hasn't changed a bit since then)


Well I might as well confirm that.....

Members and Mods of the Freeones Board! I hereby declare that I was born out of dick_van_cock's ass after aliens inserted an anal probe in there!

This may explain our similarities (or indeed a lack thereof). I know you all have further questions, but please direct them via PM to DVC, as he knows much more about said incident than I do.:D