Have you ever masturbated in public?

Have you ever masturbated in public?

No and I don't intend to.


once when i was wasted i did it in a field while two girls watched, they loved it and so did i.

Dixie Dash

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Once I did it pretty drunk in front of a few guys I knew lol. I was a bit embarrassed the next day but found it kind of funny... The bad part is Im a squirter so it was a bit explicit.


Once I did it pretty drunk in front of a few guys I knew lol. I was a bit embarrassed the next day but found it kind of funny... The bad part is Im a squirter so it was a bit explicit.

how is squirting the BAD part? thats the best part!!

Chloe Knight

Official Checked Star Member
hehe A few times...usually on road trips, for some reason. Once, I fucked myself with my vibrator, while driving down the main street in Flagstaff. Those silly tourists had no clue what I was doing. What can I say? Waiting in traffic is boring! lol
i got caught by my neighbour jerking myself in my bedroom........i kinda forgot the blinds were open and she was in her garden getting a good view lol


Leah's Biggest Fan!
Well, there was the one time on the playground at the local grade school! Good times!!!!

Don't anybody send Chris Henson after me, I'm just kidding!!!!;)
Does driving count? Also, if there are females in the car with me does that count? Or are we talking like in line at McDonalds or at the state fair? I'd have to say only while driving with other people in the car.