Have you ever learned a foreign language, and if so, which one?


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Spanish and dutch, though I think the cat can speak it better. And I'd probably speak dutch more if people didn't make fun of me when I talk...yea, you know who you are.
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Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
My first language was Afrikaans, and then Dutch. Then we moved to Canada and I learned English and French at the same time in a bilingual school. Since, I have learned German, Italian, and Spanish, and I have reading proficiency in Latin, Polish, and I'm working on Japanese.

I like language.

So is your accent really fucked up from being exposed to so many different areas?

I have a danish friend that has lived in the US since about 12 years of age and went to uni in the UK. He has the wierdest accent. Not danish, not american, not british...


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I'm in the process of learning German. I'm part German and I've always liked the language.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Spanish and Italian. The problem I had was when I couldn't readily think of the correct Italian word for something, my mind would shove in the Spanish word... or vice versa. I used to get a lot of odd looks in class - especially since most of the people in my Italian class were from 2nd or 3rd gen. immigrant families and could already speak Italian! :mad:

For the past year or so, my girl's brother-in-law has been trying to teach me basic Latin. Since I was familiar with a couple of Romance languages already, I didn't think it would be so hard. I was wrong. Latin depends more on inflection than what I'm used to. So being able to properly read it and correctly pronounce the words is one thing. But being able to actually (and accurately) interpret what you've read is pretty hard, if you can't gather the context. I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather just bang his sister-in-law. That book learnin' stuff ain't for me no more! I already talk good anuff!

And yeah, some more rep for an interesting thread. :thumbsup:

Edit: Too soon. I owe ya some.
I took French/Spanish in High School. Took Latin/German/Russian in College. Teaching myself Italian right now. Sadly, the dream of being a Septlingual will never be; as during my pharmacy school days I've almost completely lost all my German and French...but still am holding on to semi-fluent in Spanish/Latin/Russian "baby-steps" in Italian and fluent in English.