Here's the second:
A pesky lawn mower man woke me up at 8 fucking AM to open the gate into my backyard and bring the dogs inside. As I stumbled outside in a sleepy haze, I noticed that my present dog Lady was jumping around, licking something. I was too tired to see what it was, but that goddamn lawn guy kept yelling (over his obnoxiously loud lawn mower) that my dog had caught something. No shit, Lawn Mower Man, I'm too tired to give a shit, I just want the damn dogs to come inside.
But they wouldn't so I went to check it out. There was a squirrel laying there, very wet, and very near death. So I turned around, took the 5 steps into my garage, grabbed a shovel, and walked back out. After I got Lady to get the fuck out of the way, I swung that fucker with a Bell ringing, carnival prize winning swing. I mean I REALLY swung that shovel hard... I even surprised myself, with the amount of force that I had just exerted at 8 am! ANYWAY, I PANCAKED this squirrel. I mean when the shovel connected with the squirrel's frail frame, it popped like a zit, and squirted squirrel guts on my sandals which was a little gross. But I pancaked the squirrel SO GOOD that it was stuck to the grass, so I had to cut the grass under him with the side of the shovel to get him up onto the shovel itself, which I did, and then proceeded to fling the steamrolled carcas about 25 yards over my fence and into the neighbor's yard, lol.
Speaking of flinging things with a shovel, I also flung a toad. But that one only went about 13 yards or so....
ANYWAY, after that I decided that should I ever decide to become one of those weird Emo bands (GOD FORBID), I'd name the band "Shovel Meets Squirrel".