Have You Ever Done Hallucinogenic Drugs? LSD, DMT, Magic Mushrooms, Peyote, etc...

Back in my teen years I used to drop acid or eat 'shrooms fairly frequently. It was fun to dose then go hiking in the Pacific Palisades. Kinda challenging trying to drive a car on that stuff but kinda amusing at the same time. I did have 2 bad acid trips which put me in Hell for what seemed like an eternity. One time I was at House Of Billiards and my buddy abandoned me to go smoke some crack. I went nuts and attacked him in the alley when he came back. Was like interacting with the most bizarre Dario Argento film ever. There were colors I had never tasted before, sounds that I had never seen, and scents that I had never touched. At least I could still feel my legs after the credits rolled.

If I could find someone to do LSD or 'shrooms with now I would totally do it again. I'm not haunted by the death of my father anymore and my life is in order. I may try to get my freeloading brother-in-law to take a walk in the mountains with me. He saw the halo of demons just from my weed I shared with him.

If you have stress or bad stuff in your life LSD is not the time for self-reflection. Only do it if you are secure and have enough control of your surroundings. Also, take an Uber. Stock up on beer and weed so you come down better too.


Light one for Me
Acid/LSD and mushrooms were great BUT it has to be in the right company. Being in a comfortable surrounding with good friends helps keep the bad trips away. Well at least minimises the risk for a bad trip.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Shrooms sounds like a natural step that way. And yeah, I hear its all about your company and environment.