EDIT: you gotta move fast on this forum: ^#28.
Ja I was kind of surprised. The tester told me she could see I drive safely.
I had a good instructor for about 8 lessons. I really just needed to learn how to drive on the right hand side.
South Africa has the K53 system. This means blind spot mirror mirror mirror blind spot after every stop.
You need alley dockey, parallel parking, 3 point turn and the step hill. Let your car roll back an inch you fail instantly.
Buuuuut, I copied this:
It makes for a really interesting little read.
One can wait up to two years to get a licence, as the backlog is so great in booking and handling applications. Call centres are really slow.
I think our OP would have burnt the buildings down, or crashed his vehicle into one of them out of frustration.
I was extremely impressed at the speed in which my application was handled. In fact how quick the processes are in government departments here. I received my social security number within a week. In South Africa I could have probably waited anything from 6 months to two years for an ID.
Talking of traffic, in fact, this afternoon I stood looking at the cars on the highway. Perfect following distance with each vehicle. In South Africa there is probably one car length between cars.
I remember on a major artery road running though suburbs there was a crash a week.
Don't even get me started on the minivans. They drive on the pavement.
I was fortunate. The company I was with sent me for driving lessons, so I stayed on their campus for two weeks learning how to drive. I could even manuever carefully through congested traffic in one of the busiest spots in downtown Johannesburg. If you can drive there, you can drive anywhere.