Have any health problems?

Mr Glam

Closed Account
Well I do have this thing where I have to eat every so often along with consuming liquids and of course sleeping. Weren't scientist supposed to have taken care of that by now?!?!


persona non grata
I don´t have any health problems that i´m aware of.
I do a physical exam once a year @ the gym I'm a member of. The last time was 6 weeks ago and they told me I take second place in terms of overall health, the only one above me is the owner. I have the stamina of a racing horse :nanner:
Acid Reflux apparently. I thought it was an Ulcer or something. But the doc said it was Acid Reflux causing the constant heart burn and pain.


Official Checked Star Member
Chronic nausea caused by excessive acid in my tummy. (take two meds for it)
Stress/anxiety (probably adding to the stomach issues)
Acquired degenerative scoliosis after a back injury in my late teens.
Carpel tunnel (five years of camming will do that to ya)


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My hearing is a bit diminished, and I get acid reflux every now and then. Other than that I'm pretty sound...I think.
I had asthma as a kid. Inhalers sucked :( I had this big, phallic thing I had to use. Thank god my asthma disappeared by high school.
omg ! are we all dying on the freeones ! :shocked: freeones is contagious !! oh :stfu: busen !
I have bouts of depression about once or twice a year. Never taken anything for it. I also have chronic shoulder pain from a work injury that never healed.


Closed Account
Acid Reflux & some hearing loss due to no ear protection during early days of shooting.

Jon S.

Well let's see...where to begin:

1. Had a heart attack back in October...still have "significant blockage" in the three blood vessels that caused the attack.

2. Have gallstones

3. Because of my history and health situation, I need to lose about 50 pounds.

4. Have cysts on my main salavary glands (might have been the cause of the major bout of vertigo I had back in May of '10).

5. Have arthritis.

6. Have Scoliosis

7. Have battled depression and anxiety for years.

8. High blood pressure (shocker there huh?)

9. I don't have diabetes though....that IS shocking given how much soda I used to drink.

10. I have a few teeth that need worked on, but since I have no dental insurance, that'll have to wait too. Ugh! Ha ha ha!

Well, I guess that's all I can think of right now...if I think of more, I'll be sure to include them! Ha ha ha! Oh yeah, and I'm only 39!
Stomach problems that have plagued my life since I was 17, when I first saw the doctor he dismissed it as 'stress' and I didn't go back till I was around 25 forcing them to look again and they found I had a slow digestive system, stomach empties too slow. Because of the nature of the illness i've had long term anxiety and depression (not taking anything for them) and in a year or two I'll have had this problem for more time in my life than I didn't have it. Had an experimental gastric pacemaker put in 2 years ago and other than not feeling any better I've been getting terrible muscle spasms (abdomen) since the op pretty much after every meal. If I didn't work in the family business where I can pick and choose my days in and get staff to cover me I probably would never have worked as I wake up feeling crap most mornings. Part of the depression also stems from the fact I worked my ass off to get my BA and MA my health is so crap I've never been able to put this to use in the working world as I would never be able to hold down a full time job, the mind is willing and the body is work as they say, people reminding me of this every day doesn't help either. Now almost overnight my knees have aged 30 years and the left kneecap doesn't bend/move properly and regularly locks up, need an MRI scan really but can't because of the pacemaker so I'm just struggling getting through the days.


I have a big, disgusting cyst growing out of my right heel (seriously, this is not a setup). I've had it for years, it's gross and I wear out shoes in record time. It has to be completely cut off my foot and between cost and recovery time, there's no friggin' way. I haven't ever come close to being able to afford the operation.
I have sever Insomnia and Anxiety, Im not depressed but the Doc's put me on Zoloft and Lorazepam, im not taking the zoloft anymore though, beer helps :) Last year I had Sciatic nerve pain caused by two herniated disks in my spine from too much heavy lifting, but after 7 months im pretty much back to normal :D but Im addicted to TITS