Have a Heart Attack for Breakfast!


Did you all see the documentary Supersize Me. A great look at the fast food world. The unhealthiness of it is getting out of hand. It is not so much about the calories eschnabel, it is about the grams of fat and the cholestrol.
I had a burger at kfc not so long ago, it was totally rank and you could taste the salt and fat, fish and chip shops are a problem in the UK aswell, same kind of fat intake there.
Does KFC in the U.K. serve burgers?!?! Here in the USA it's a chicken place! KFC standing for "Kentucky Fried Chicken." They dropped using the whole original name because "fried" has a negative health connotation. lol :rolleyes: :D

Durty_Dog said:
I had a burger at kfc not so long ago, it was totally rank and you could taste the salt and fat, fish and chip shops are a problem in the UK aswell, same kind of fat intake there.
XanderJack said:
Did you all see the documentary Supersize Me. A great look at the fast food world. The unhealthiness of it is getting out of hand. It is not so much about the calories eschnabel, it is about the grams of fat and the cholestrol.
I've never been a big fan of fast food but sometimes it was easier to grab a burger at McD on my way to work or something...after seeing Super-Size Me I won't even eat there occasionally, lol. I couldn't believe how quickly his health deteriorated.... :eek:
foxycougar said:
I've never been a big fan of fast food but sometimes it was easier to grab a burger at McD on my way to work or something...after seeing Super-Size Me I won't even eat there occasionally, lol. I couldn't believe how quickly his health deteriorated.... :eek:

Thanks for the info foxy about "Super-size Me"...I'm a fast food addict..I'll think of it as an advice and watch said film so I could stop
The guy in the film was in really good shape before he went on the diet and after a month of eating nothing but McDonald's his liver looked like he'd been an alcoholic for 20 years :eek: He said he felt addicted to the food, like he had to have it to feel normal....that's not right...


Fortunately he is back in really good shape. His wife is a vegan chef though, so how could he not get back into good shape.
:hatsoff: Thanks, mcrocket!

It's an interesting topic -- food in the USA (and some other countries) has so many varying qualities (or lack thereof). We have "diet" this and "low-carb" that, and then we have these ridiculously over-sized, high fat items as well.

I have had friends fom Europe visit me before, and it was their first time in the USA, and when we went to the supermarket their jaws dropped at the size of things/food available here. Then, the real adventure was taking them to a SAM'S Club or other warehouse market. lol "You want a 3 gallon vat of ketchup? Sure -- they've got it!" LMAO :D :tongue:

mcrocket said:
I like this thread Nightfly. I'd give you rep, but I have to spread it around first.
LMAO! Yeah -- you know that THEY'RE never going to go into the health/life insurance business! :D

"O.k. Mister So-and-So, that will be $48.93 for your 3 five-gallon tubs of mayonaise, your 8-pound bag of M&Ms, and the box of 200 frozen, pre-cooked fried chicken wings. Will that be cash or credit? Oh, and when should I call the ambulance to your home after your cardiac arrest?"


foxycougar said:
Lmfao....Sam's, where you can buy 5 gallon buckets of lard and 50 pound bags of sugar, lol
Lmfao....it cracks me up every time I go in there. I usually buy things like cereal and apples and oranges but you do see these people with 10 lb boxes of Taquitos and stuff, I hope they have large families.
ok,... this might be insulting to some of the posting guys, but I'll post it nevertheless...

If you're stupid enough to buy things at burger king or any other fast-food-company you don't really deserve any different... sorry to say so...
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Yeah, that's the point of the thread, Blackjack... Anyone expecting any solidly good nutrition from fast food places, as part of a normal and routine diet of food, is an imbecile! But sadly, so many people expect that, since it's not a per se poison, whatever they eat at a restaurant cannot be all that bad for them.

"Ignorance is bliss" to them...