Have a Heart Attack for Breakfast!

Good God! Burger King is becoming like the tobacco companies! They're seemingly trying to kill their own customers! LMAO :eek: :D But hey....I bet it's a tasty sandwich!!! LOL!

I just don't understand why everything is so excessively big and fatty! Any thoughts on this?

"USA Today reported that the No. 2 fast food chain is set to debut its Enormous Omelet Sandwich Monday.

The sandwich will have one sausage patty, two eggs, two American cheese slices and three strips of bacon, according to the newspaper.

That works out to 730 calories and 47 grams of fat, according to the report -- more than a Whopper burger, which the Burger King Web site said has 700 calories and 42 grams of fat."


Breakfast Menu: http://www.bk.com/Food/products/breakfast_hub.aspx

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Nightfly said:
Good God! Burger King is becoming like the tobacco companies! They're seemingly trying to kill their own customers! LMAO :eek: :D But hey....I bet it's a tasty sandwich!!! LOL!

I just don't understand why everything is so excessively big and fatty! Any thoughts on this?

"USA Today reported that the No. 2 fast food chain is set to debut its Enormous Omelet Sandwich Monday.

The sandwich will have one sausage patty, two eggs, two American cheese slices and three strips of bacon, according to the newspaper.

That works out to 730 calories and 47 grams of fat, according to the report -- more than a Whopper burger, which the Burger King Web site said has 700 calories and 42 grams of fat."


Seems to me that Burger King are trying to copy/follow in the footsteps of McDonalds. Copy would be the negative way of putting it, Following in their footsteps is the positive way of putting it. I mean Mcdonalds were the ones who came up with such breakfast meals like an Egg McMuffin and other breakfast appetisers. Now Burger King have started it too, KFC might do it, adn maybe even Pizza Hut might create something!!!! I'm just assuming that Burger King are trying to make themselves better than Mcdonalds. Hmmmmmm, I wonder how other people will react to this??
Burger King and McDonalds are junk food merchants as far as I'm concerned. I have not been to either of those places in a good couple of years. I can't say that I've missed it either. :) :2 cents:
Burger King has been around for ages as well, and they've been serving breakfast for ages as well. They compete with McDonald's for market share in the fast food biz, yes.

The news story I linked was about a breakfast sandwich they debuted today that has something like 2-3 times the suggested FAT intake recommendation, per diem. :eek: lol :D


I don't see the problem with this. We all have the ability to make our own choices. If you chose to eat it, then Good for You, if not, that's your choice. All I ask is that they inform me of what I am buying. For some of the few freaks out there like me, fast food is a life saver. I weigh 160 pounds and consume more than 6000 calories a day. Not because I want to die, but to keep me from slipping into a comma. Not to mention it's better than an IV running sugar water into me 24 hours a day. :2 cents:


eschnabel said:
I don't see the problem with this. We all have the ability to make our own choices. If you chose to eat it, then Good for You, if not, that's your choice. All I ask is that they inform me of what I am buying. For some of the few freaks out there like me, fast food is a life saver. I weigh 160 pounds and consume more than 6000 calories a day. Not because I want to die, but to keep me from slipping into a comma. Not to mention it's better than an IV running sugar water into me 24 hours a day. :2 cents:

That's a good point eschnabel, well said. :thumbsup:
burger king, helping to fight obesity in the united states
we only have breakfasts at McDonalds :p
I'll have half a grapefruit for breakfast thank you...lmao( I just remembered that line from "the parent trap"...lmao-not exactly word for word though)
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Member, you member...
I don't like sausages - they go right through me - so I'll pass.
No wonder whenever you step out your front door you see hoards of 20 stone + people :throwup: I used to eat that kind of stuff when i was a kid but i cant stand it now.