Hate More...

Sap, fuckin' hate it.

Being last in a very long line at a store?
Big tit. I really like the right anal porn Really don't mind the big tit stuff it is just I don't like it when ANY tits are the only focus of it.

Young porn or old porn.
old porn...unless the young porn is too young, then young porn

taking a bite of food that's too hot (thermally) or taking a bite of food that's to hot (spicy)

Jon S.

Tough call.....but if you mean on the extremes.....I'd have to say too hot thermally....because that can actually burn your mouth & take awhile to heal....while too spicy is just temporary discomfort.

Casey Anthony or O.J. Simpson?
honestly i don't really hate either of them, i don't care about them as they have no real connection to my life...but i did hate the coverage of them, and the anthony coverage is still ongoing so anthony

being too high or being too drunk