Hate crime victim fights to save attacker

Ike Stain

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Mark Anthony Stroman, 41, a stonecutter from Dallas, shot people he believed were Arabs, saying he was enraged by the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He killed at least two: Vasudev Patel, an Indian immigrant who was Hindu, and Waqar Hasan, a Muslim born in Pakistan.

Rais Bhuiyan, center, one of three people who was shot by Mark Stroman on the days following Sept. 11, has requested a stay of execution to be granted to his attacker.

A third shooting victim, Rais Bhuiyan, 37, a former Air Force pilot from Bangladesh, survived after Mr. Stroman shot him in the face at close range. Mr. Stroman admitted to the shootings. He is scheduled to be executed on Wednesday.

Mr. Bhuiyan, despite being partly blinded in his right eye, has spent the past several months creating a Web site with a petition and meeting with officials in Texas to try to persuade the state to spare Mr. Stroman.


So how about it— is this Bhuiyan guy nuts or is he an example to us all?

I mean, dude shot him in the face!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Sounds like a case of Stockholm Syndrome to me.


Closed Account
I suppose this is part of his belief the same way in the Amish Schoolhouse shooting when one of the reporters asked one of the Amish can they forgive him. The person said I have to if I want God to forgive me. Me personally, I was brought up "eye for an eye" so...
Was gonna post this story yesterday but never got around to it. The guy has interpreted from his religious beliefs that killing is wrong so wants to stop the execution for that reason although the families of the other victims may differ. I'm against the death penalty in principle but don't see why this guy should be pardoned, he's a vile racist killer who used 9/11 as an excuse to go around and shoot dead a load of brown people, one of whom wasn't even muslim which goes to show it had nothing to do with exacting revenge on muslims is response to the muslim 9/11 attackers. He claimed in his blog a year after the killings
'This was not a crime of hate but an act of Passion and Patriotism, an act of country and commitment, an act of retribution and recompense.

'The was not done during Peace time but at War time.

'I, Mark Anthony Stroman, felt a need to exact some measure of equality and fairness for the thousands of victims of September 11th, 2001, for the United States of America and its people, The People of this Great Country.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...w-post-9-11-shooting-spree.html#ixzz1ScK1Udg4

What the fuck has this got to do with robbing and killing two of innocent people, who were mostly immigrants working long hours for low pay and one of whom wasn't even muslim! He then claims his sister was in one of the towers although this has never been proven. If he truly loves his country he'll accept his execution as the US is better off without racist white supremacists like this guy who go on killing sprees targetting people who look brown then claim they are being Patriotic when they are caught, I've got no sympathy for this piece of shit who has ruined three lives.

Surviving victim pleads for the life of the white supremacist set to die tomorrow for post-9/11 shooting spree that killed two

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...w-post-9-11-shooting-spree.html#ixzz1ScMIvRmN
As far as him wanting his attackers life spared I know there are some people out that that sadly can't fathom this concept but there are people in the world that don't believe in hatred, vengeance, revenge, or the taking of another person's life in the absence of self-defense. The fact that those concepts come so naturally and quickly to people shows how far humanity can fall and how evil can infuse a lot of people that try and would like to see themselves as "good".

Sounds like a case of Stockholm Syndrome to me.

If he wanted him to get off or started believing in his attackers position it might be similar in some ways, but it seems he doesn't want him to avoid any justice, he just doesn't want him to be executed.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I've made my stance clear on both hate crime (fucking stupid) and on the death penalty (fucking awesome) but there is no conundrum here, for me at least. Let him ride the lightning. Dip shit went out and started shooting at the first people he thought looked like terrorists. When I see suspicious behavior or someone who looks out of place the first thing I'm thinking of is asking for backup because that person might have a different, wiser perspective. This clown thought he was some avenging angel.


Official Checked Star Member
ah ya its because in his religion they say if you forgive those that hurt you, you become closer to God.

im sure i wouldnt react the same, but i cant really say im against those few that promote peace and forgiveness.


For the EMPEROR!!
You got to give it to the guy. Forgiving the person who did that to him and others can't be easy. I'm not sure I could/would be able to.

He's definitely earned some major rep after the next turn of the Karmic Wheel. ...
At least he accepted his fate in the end

'Let's do this damn thing': Last words of white supremacist executed for 9/11 revenge shooting spree that killed two

* Last-minute appeal from lone survivor failed

* Final meal of steak, ham and cheese omelette, bacon and pint of ice cream

* Asked for God's grace and said hate in world must end before lethal injection

* Claimed sister had been killed in Twin Towers - but there's no evidence she ever existed

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...d-post-9-11-shooting-spree.html#ixzz1SlqCpsXR
Kill em all... everyone. Let their god sort em out.

The world is overpopulated anyway. :cool:
Hmm..commit and act of terrorism in response to terrorism.

Pretty simple here...IMO.

Re: Forgiveness. Forgive him:dunno:...then let him pay for his crimes.
It's a noble point of view, religiously motivated or not.

Didn't help much as the guy was executed anyway. I'm against the death penalty, so I believe executing him was the wrong thing to do, no matter what he did. But if it was for me, he could have rotten in prison for the rest of his life. I absolutely can't fathom how someone can just go around and shoot innocent people after doing some hate-infused racial profiling and claim he did it for his country. Unbelievable. That's almost the same as what the nazis did with jews, gipsy and people who looked like them.
Attach jump leads to his nipples and we'll soon see a change of heart.

The shooter deserves what is coming to him. An eye for an eye. And please, none of this "an eye for an eye makes the world blind" crap because that sort of mentality is why evil runs rampant because it's left to do as it pleases with no fear of reprisal.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Let him ride the lightning.

I read similar comments like this in the prior thread about Humberto Leal. Just for the record, they haven't used the electric chair in Texas since 1964. Lethal injection is the weapon of choice nowadays so you may wish to adapt your metaphors accordingly.

Also, I find it incredibly bizarre that someone would describe the death penalty as "fucking awesome". Get a real kick out of it, do you johnny?? :confused: :facepalm:


Staff member
interesting read. I think that shooting the felon with a 500s&w magnum at point blank range will be the best style of executing him and he deserves it.