Hatchet-Weilding Homeless Hitchhiker

Will E Worm

Hatchet-Weilding Homeless Hitchhiker Hailed a Hero

A homeless hitchhiker recently picked up by a man claiming to be Jesus, saves the day after the man crashes into a stranger and assaults a woman who ran over to help.

The hitchhiker, identified only as "Kai", was picked up by the driver shortly before the crash. He says the man, now identified as Jett McBride of Tacoma, Washington, was making wild and racist comments while they were in the car.

“[The driver's] like, ‘You know what? I’ve come to realize I’m Jesus Christ and I can do anything I [expletive] want to and, watch this!” the hitchhiker reported McBride saying just moments before hitting a Pacific Gas and Electric worker, who was African-American.

Two women immediately ran over to help, but quickly realized that it was not an accident.

“He just kept saying he’s Jesus Christ and he’s going to save all of us, [but] we have to get– he used the n-word, meaning the black people– and that we need to get them off the earth,” Tonya Baker said.

When they wouldn’t let him get back in his car to inflict more damage, Baker said McBride put her in a “bear hug” and then started “beating the crap” out of her.

“These two women are trying to help them, he runs up and he grabs one of them…like a guy that big can snap a woman’s neck like a pencil stick!” Kai commented. “So I [expletive] ran up behind him with a hatchet– smash, smash, SA-MASH!”




Hiliary 2020
i fuckin cant fuckin believe almost nobody fuckin commented on that fuckin video bra.
Some fuckin guy fuckin went fuckin nuts
i mean i was like whoah, then I was like huuh, then I was like whaaah.
No, it was smash, smash, suh-MASH!!! He was all like a fuckin' hero you know?

Seriously, he did save someone's life. Dogtown in da hizouse!