No, incorrect. I agree to disagree and others refuse not to.
When they already know we will not agree and they continue to comment only to cause problems.
Agree to disagree and move on.
She should be dealing with them soon. :hatsoff:
It has little to do with refusal, but more with your unwillingness to give an explanation as to why you're reaching a certain conclusion.
Anyway... Even though I disagree with almost every post Will has made since the last post I made in this thread, I do have to defend him this once (only this once

) about his choice in porn. Even though it's not my cup of tea, I don't believe replies that involve the message it brings accross or how scary a lonely person who watches this stuff is, are appropriate. After all, we don't know what the private situation of these people is (as far as I know Will for instance could be happily married to a wife who's also into this...).
It's porn and the people watching it are supposed to be adults with enough restraint & common sense to know it's merely a fantasy. I wanted to give a nice example of hentai & the ages of the characters it involves, but I think that'd be a breach of some board rule, so I'll refrain from doing so.
An example I can give (& which has nothing to do with porn) is Terminator (or Predator, or many other action movies). Just like porn, they usually do not send a decent message across & are merely meant to satisfy our darker urges.
What scares me about some of the remarks in this thread is that people judge others based merely on what they watch & are directly or indirectly saying that it is wrong (if you say people that watch this stuff are wrong, you're essentially also saying making it is wrong).
Who are we to say what is right & what is wrong & where would we draw the line? If this is too much for some people, then what about BDSM, femdom or many other fetishes? Heck, maybe someone will say that watching videos from peepeebabes is wrong or that girls in latex/spandex suits are wrong...
My reason for being here until now was to prove Will wrong on a specific point he made in his first post. I wanted to prove him wrong because he mentioned a certain person in his 2nd post (Max Hardcore) & girls that have worked with him have complained about him & how he went further than was agreed upon (the same applies to Pierre Woodman of Private).
Which proves that
Will E Worm said:
Then it's he said she said. I can't do anything about that.
People have to know who they are working with.
Then they will have to complain and they can put it on their site and the agent can put it on their site.
Then the "shady" site will lose money and close. The end.
this isn't reality & that real life simply doesn't work that way.
However, as long as a girl agrees to do something, there's nothing wrong with it (as long as it isn't illegal of course).