Has Jenna Jameson ever done Interracial??

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GREAT POST-----I hope the boy starts lying about a better place.I am glad You called Him out on it.I have wondered how a guy from Buffalo can make Himself out to be Hugh Hefner.Give Me a break.Fox dates NFL cheerleaders and pornqueens,"according to Him'----I have wondered how He has time if He spends 12 hours a day on this forum.--I do feel sorry for Him.-I am glad He has his Photoshop and fantasies.

what i have learned..... some people HAVE lived extraordinary lives. grant it, its hard to believe the internet, but why not? why would someone lie on the web? and the buffalo thing?

as far as jenna goes, i heard that she is retired now or real soon? are either of these true? because i say its about time. she has to move on. nothing more to prove in that industry for jenna.
I don't think Jenna and Tabitha are the problem here imo, they are just trying to make money, like I said I blame them and judge them for that because for me that is racist any way you look at it, everything JJ does on film is for money, as with pretty much all pornstars, half of it she probably wouldn't do if she wasn't getting paid, so why won't she do black guys for money, I think it's because she thinks she'd lose fans or that classy untouchable reputation, i.e., lose money and fans, i.e. she's probably not racist at all and she clearly has no personal preference between black and white (look at her private life), but the decision was made for money. To me, that doesn't make it any better... selling out to a racist market because she thinks it will not lose her many fans but keep the kind of fans that might not be fans if she fucked outside her own race blah blah blah.

What about selling out to people like you and doing things she doesn't want just to gain fans and extra money? Face it, you are a mad angry person who uses the threat of racism to blame others for your own hatred.

One more thing, I'd love to see the proof that Jenna has fucked black guys in her private life (well, besides the ones that raped her back in High School)

There's a lot here, so none of you should read it unless you're really interested in what I have to say in response to DS. I'll try and avoid long posts like this where I can. I do think the main problem is the industry. Because it is underregulated which is a great thing, it means it's a good place to find the ugly heads of parts of our society that still linger like racism and so on.

Hold on, you avoid long posts?!? WTF!!! Maybe you need a reminder. Every fucking post you make is a long!!!! Now, you're trying to say you avoid them. Again, you've proven yourself a liar.

No, no-one has to do anything. Not at all. But if a high profile porn actress makes a point of never fucking a black guy despite all the black pornstars that statistically it would have been very unlikely for her to AVOID working with unless she made a conscious decision not to, then I am entitled to take what I will from that decision of hers.

No you don't.

First of all, you named 4 black male porn stars, two of which I have never heard of. I named 32 white guys that have never worked with Jenna (a comment that you strangely didn't respond to). Statistically, there are few black male porn stars. Statistically, Jenna has only worked with a small number of white guys.

Wondering why she has never worked with Randy Spears is a reasonable question. Wondering why she hasn't worked with some second tier porn actor, that happens to be black, is not.

She chooses not to work with black guys, she also chooses to diss other pornstars frequently, therefore I have no respect for her. No-one's forcing her to do anything.

Actually, yes, you are trying to force her. Instead of excepting Jenna's resume as it is, and leaving it alone, you are choosing to not respect her for it. You want Jenna to do this, and unless she does, you won't respect her, and oh yeah, you call her a racist. You are trying to force her to do something. If you weren't, you wouldn't concern yourself with her affairs.

Secondly, is she the only diva in any industry to diss other stars? No. Is she the only porn queen to diss other actors? No. And yet, here you are, hating Jenna for something many, many others do. Your true colours are shinning through.

But instead of worrying about what it LOOKS like if she fucks black guys on film, and what it says about her, she should be worrying about what it says about her that she doesn't. In my opinion she may just do this to keep fans, but she's also making a statement.

Yes, she making a statement that she is in control of her life and her career. And she is doing want she wants, and not what sick fucks like you want.

We say rock stars sell out, I think that's what Jenna and Tabitha did. They sold out to racism. They thought it would be more popular with the white market if they avoided black cock, and you know what, I call that racism, I don't care what anyone else calls it. Even if it's the white fans that are the racists, if they buy into that, I don't see any difference between Jenna and Tabitha and any fan of theirs that might not watch their movies anymore if they did interracial.

Funny, cause I think girls who did IR because they were afraid of what people like you would say, are the sell outs.

Devinn Lane & Janine are two prime examples. And not just for them selling out, but for how quickly a porn career can fall apart when you sell out after years of sticking to your moral standards.

Listen to what you are saying about Jenna and Tabitha. Are you so ignorant to think almost every girl who tries to enter porn doesn't go through the same thing?

"Do IR or we'll call you a racist and you'll never find work in this biz ever again."

True. But when she has done black guys in her private life, what could the reason be for her not doing them now, but than she is trying to clean up her image and sell to more white (racists), by saying no to black guys. That's an assumption and I'm sticking with it.

Again, when exactly has she fucked black guys in her private life? Or, is this just a rumor some have started to push their agenda?

My problem is no-one believes me

Can't understand why people think you are a liar. Oh yes, it's because you are.

Warren Moon just went into the hall of fame.

Fantastic. Did he win a Super Bowl?

Vince Young is one of the greatest college QBs in living memory.

Wow. The only way that comes anywhere close to being true is if you are 1 year old. Pay attention to the sport before you make commentary about it.

You can't be dumb and be a QB (unless your name is Jim Sorgi).

Go check what Young scored on the Wonderlic test. The test — 50 multiple-choice, non-football questions in 12 minutes — is a barometer that teams use to gauge a prospect's ability to learn. Young originally scored a 6, but was re-tested again and reportedly scored a 16. Yes, that is dumb. And yes, you can be dumb and be a QB, especially in college. Athletic ability - yes. Brains - no.

So tell me, what do you think of Michael Vick, Donovan McNabb, Byron Leftwich and Steve McNair. Yeah. You know where I'm going with that.

No I don't. Let's see. None of those guys have ever won a Super Bowl, so none of those guys are very good.

Vick is easily the most over-rated of the bunch. He did nothing at VT (only faced 3 Top 25 teams in his two years there, and lost two of those games). The Falcons, have yet to do anything impressive when it counts, and he has struggled in their attempts to teach him to run a pro offence, and have been left with hoping his athletic skill will wins games. But as we've seen, he can't, and it won't.

McNair is another guy who is more hype then talent. He became a big name out of college because he was able to avoid any real opposition when he played in Division II. While is team did go to the superbowl, it was because of TE Frank Wycheck's pass in the first game of the playoffs, not any offensive play McNair ran. It should also be noted he was outplayed but a grocery store stock boy in the Final. Let's not forget that the team he is with now, one a Super Bowl with Trent Dilfer as QB. In otherwords, it's the Raven's D that will be the only thing that takes them anywhere this year.

Leftwich is pretty good, but no where close to being great. He is young, and does have a chance to get better, he is way to injury prone and susceptible to mental relapses for the Jags to do anything.

Finally, McNabb. Rush Limbaugh had a point. Never has a QB done so little, and yet garnered so much hype then this guy. When the Eagles finally made it to the Super Bowl after choking in the hands of McNabb for three straight years, every single black football commentator picked Philly over the defending Super Bowl champion New England Patriots. Why? Honestly. The Eagles weren't that good that they went to the Conference Final four straight years, the NFC was so shitty that they were able to get there four straight years. Put the Eagles in the AFC, and the are lucky to get to the playoffs.

Tom Brady has 3 Super Bowl rings, and yet *some* call McNabb better.

In the NFL, is about championships. None of the five guys you mentioned have them. So, in comparison to Brady, Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Kurt Warner or Ben Rothlesbuger, no, they aren't very good.

And for the record, either is Payton Manning. But much like the Bucs, Indy won't see a championship until Dungy is replaced.
Yes. Go ahead. Call me gay. You know you want to. I'll take it as a compliment. The gay men I know are generally a lot less prejudiced, bigoted and racist than the average straight guy. You can call me gay and I'll call you... :) something else. And one of us will be right. I'm just kidding. I wouldn't want or need to label you, your words can speak for you - and me - as I always say.

That's wonderful.

BTW, why no response to the Silvia Saint remark? Never mind, we all know why.

I lived in Oxford, England (81-97), Oxford, London, Holland and Montgomery, AL (moved around a lot 97-99), Buffalo NY (99-00), Los Angeles CA (00-02), Buffalo NY (02-03), Washington DC for college (03-06) with a semester in Oxford (fall 05 when I joined) and now I'm back in Buffalo till we move to LA at the end of the year. I like to move around a lot. The porn girls I know I know from the 00-02 years. You all can judge for yourself if they're photoshopped when I send them in. You probably don't believe Seth either about all the porn goddesses he's fucked and licked to orgasm - 80 of them. I'm so jealous. But who cares who believes him or me? We're both honest guys, and we're having a hell of a lot of fun, do you think I care if a few hecklers have bad things to say? :) I have too much fun to give a shit.

Mine isn't a rumour. I know that from the horse's mouth or the goddesses mouth. Which rules out the false rumours about her being back with him, she'll never make that mistake.

Listen, you've been proven a liar and an exaggerator time after time. Nobody with half a brain is going to take you at your word. So stop. We're not buying it.

That only tells me that as I said, her choice isn't about personal preference, it's about business, and if you're willing to racially discriminate for business purposes, I have no respect for you.

Then I guess you don't have much respect for much of the business word. Including the owners of FUBU & Phat Farm.

But I love how you believe this guy's story. Oh wait, it suits your line of thinking, so it must be true. Again, see where people invent stories to push their agenda?

My only agenda is the truth. For people to question what they are spoonfed and think for themselves. You wouldn't believe how hard that is to do, how people will argue to the death that what they are told is the truth. I want the real truth. Something not a lot of people realize about the truth: it makes sense. The lies don't. As for Kanye, I believe and agree with at least half of the things he says about the American government and about the continued suppression of black people in America. Not to mention Hispanics and Middle Easterners and so on.

For a guy to want only the truth, you need to stop telling lies.

Don't you think it would be a refreshing change for you to write a post to me devoid of personal insults now? They only make me smile. They're boring. If someone who thinks the way you do thinks such bad things about me, I can only take it as a compliment.

Actually, no. You get confused a lot. Plus you have a tendency to spin things to your way of think. I just want to make sure you know how full of shit I know you are.

I can't get a refund because I got a full academic scholarship. They could refund my room and board and college books but I didn't buy most of the books I needed (libraries and pretending to have read them), and I kind of stayed in the room so there's no reason for a refund. But I'll tell you what. The things I learned in college are worth SHIT and FUCK ALL compared to what I've learned from travelling since I was little and visiting four continents and 40 countries and 46 states and being with all these lovers and friends I always reminisce about. All my experiences: emigrating to the USA by myself... being in a 7 year open relationship where we love each other to death... dating Sofia :)... being homeless... my head going through the windshield of my car when I lived in it after I got chased through the streets by a truck being driven by a fellow illegal immigrant (I was at the time I suppose), and run off the road... which made me homeless haha... I wouldn't take any of it back. I would treat a few of the women I knew when I was younger better... but trust me... I am who I am and I know what I know and believe what I believe from those experiences, not from my stupid college degree... college is an excuse not to work, to get high a lot, to make a lot of money from peeps, and to streamline supposedly smarter kids into high income jobs. I never liked it.

Wow, I really don't know where to start their. You have a vivid imagination.

So, you are so smart that Oxford gave you a full academic scholarship, and yet you need help with something as simple as posting pics on the internet.

Every woman should draw her own line, if she wants to, I just wish that interracial wasn't the next rung DOWN after anal in some people's warped minds...

Tell you what, don't make IR such a big deal, and maybe it won't be taken as a big deal.

If people just went about their lives and enjoyed the porn that was out there, instead of critizing women for what they do and don't do, then maybe some would be a little more willing to expand what they are willing to do. It's not as if no white woman in porn did IR. You have choices.

Some people think Heather Hunter is a big star. If she only did black guys, I wouldn't care. Either would anyone else. That is her choice. She would be making the same choice Jenna has made, and yet you and I both know she wouldn't face the same criticism you've thrown Jenna's direction. You talk about "selling out", and yet black males often use that term to describe black women who choose to date white guys. There is a double standards in this world. And while I agree that standards often has negative effects on minorities and women, it also effects whites, both male and female.

In an attempt to look into some of these black male porn "stars", I saw the titles of many of their movies. I was disgusted. Then, I looked up some of the titles black women have starred in. I'll say it again, if you don't want people thinking IR porn is a rung down from other sexual acts, then don't make it look like IR is nothing more then a sideshow.

interracial sex doesn't EXIST because race is just a myth... there is NO difference between a black, white, latino or anything else man or women... except the fucking colour of the fucking skin. It's like... HAIR colour or EYE colour. THAT'S what it's like. THAT's all it is. Nothing more. There's nothing that's any more extreme about fucking someone of another race, than there is about fucking someone of a different height, weight, age, hair colour or eye colour to you... NOTHING. These things have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING and the sooner we stop defining ourselves by race and separating ourselves by race - we don't do it by brunettes and blondes and so on (not to this extent anyway) - the better.

So, according to you, there is no difference in races, and therefore no such thing as IR. And yet, here you are, bashing women who choose not to fuck certain guys.

You've made the (unsubstantiated) claim that Jenna has fucked black guys in her personal life. It's also been shown that Jenna only works with guys on screen who she is comfortable with. And it has also been proven that out of the large number of male actors in porn (of all colours), Jenna has only worked with a small number of them. So, isn't it possible that Jenna hasn't worked with one of the four guys you mentioned (or 32 I mentioned), because she isn't attracted to, doesn't respect, or isn't comfortable with? If we're all the same, then it shouldn't matter who is on top of her.

Having said that, the thought that there is no difference in races, beyond the colour of their skin, is ignorant. Now, before you try calling me a racist or a bigot, I'm not saying one is better then the other overall. But to think every one is the same, is a flawed way of thinking. We're not. That doesn't mean one is better then the other. But we are different. Just as men are different then women. Some things men do better, some women do better. But, men are not better then women. But we are different.

No, there is a market for pornstars that racially discriminate, the market is largely in the red states I'm sure... I don't think that should be done at all. How can you write about Jenna sucking off a horse and doing IR in the same paragraph. Don't you see how that sounds when you put the two next to each other like that? It grosses me out, for one.

Listen, your Oxford education didn't help you understand what I was saying. It's not my fault you aren't as smart as you've tried passing yourself off as. I explained what the connection was. Just admit you error, and move on.

But nice shot at Republicans though. For a guy who doesn't respect people who racially discriminate, you sure don't seem to have a problem discriminating against the voting choices of millions of people.
I don't name call. I point out, gladly and willingly, when I think something someone is saying or doing is racist.

Calling some a racist isn't insulting?!?!? And you don't name call!?!? Are you kidding me? Using your opinion to call someone a racist is name calling. You seem to not like it when I make personal comments about what I think of you. Yet her you are, making personal comments about Jenna. I guess that the hypocrisy.

I am sick and tired of race defining our lives and being used as a tool to lift one "race" above the other. I am tired of the backwards thinking and the South African Apartheid mentalities.

Why have you gone to such lengths to point out that Jenna hasn't worked with one race, and insist that she does, if you are sick race defining?

If a pornstar avoids black guys I lose respect for her. If a pornstar does them in her personal life but never on film I lose more respect than ever, as I previously explained. I'd still fuck her though :) she's hot. Especially Tabitha. Anyway... saying something Jenna did suggests she's racist isn't name calling. Racist isn't some silly personal insult. It means you are racially prejudiced, or you discriminate based on race, for whatever reason. I believe she does. I'm not trying to insult her, I'm just stating what I think.

You haven't explained anything. You made a comment you weren't able to prove. You've called Jenna and Tabitha racists. This is not a fact, but rather an opinion. I've taken the evidence you've provided, and come to the conclusion you are an idiot. Am I right? Do you believe you are an idiot? Well, what is the difference in what I think of you, and what you say of Jenna?

Everyone here agrees this is beating a dead horse so I'll try not to respond next time as hard as that is. And if you want to call my personal life into question or call me a liar, either do it in PM or start a new thread on it, it has nothing to do with Jenna taking big hard black cock in her delicious slutty sexy white pussy.

What!??! Who said this has been beaten to a dead horse? Where was this said? This thread is about Jenna and IR. Don't want to discuss this, then don't click on this topic.

See, this is what I mean when I call you a liar. This is more proof that you invent things to help your cause.

You guys are too funny. The truth is, I don't think I've ever told a lie on this forum. Not one thing I have ever written was false, or even particularly exaggerated.

Well, except for the comment you made above. So, I guess that makes this statement a lie too. And I guess that sort of takes any credibility away from you.

It's flattering to think that my life has been so wild and crazy and fun that you would assume it was made up. I guess I wouldn't keep writing about it if I didn't realize that it was pretty unusual and interesting (and therefore unbelievable, some of my not so close friends don't even believe half my stories, I can tell). I'd encourage anyone else here to share their stories too, it's fun. Especially DoctorSW whose stories are way the hell better than mine.

If it's such a big deal, start a thread on me being a liar, and I'll post all the pictures I have been wanting to share on that thread. I'm not very good with computers so I may need a few tech heads here to help me post links to them or put them online or whatever. Then you can judge for yourself if they're photoshopped. The truth is, you just don't like me, and you don't want any of the cool things I've done to be true. I've had a lot of bad experiences too. If anyone wants to do the things I've done and go the places I've been even at 25, my advice is: save your money and live cheaply, then spend it on having lots of fun. Go after everything you want, treat women and people in general wonderfully, be yourself even to a fault, and don't fall into a routine or a life of mediocrity.

Oh yeah, here are links to my personal pages several of which contain proofs to several of my so-called lies, in case you're really interested in doing detective work on me, you are more than willing to surf around and see for yourself I'm honest. Or you can keep on being delusional (if everything I say is true and some people refuse to believe it, that makes them delusional, not me :) ). 25 is not a "boy".
www.allexperts.com then type sex and I'm an expert on great sex, oral sex, etc.
As I said before, the Redskins cheerleaders, all 4 of them, went to Mason. That's how I know them. 2 of them I sought out BECAUSE they were cheerleaders, and befriended them. One I know from way back. All 4 are friends of mine on "facebook". Yelena, Brittany, Shannon, and... Jennifer. If you go surfing around my personal pages, any of you, I ask that you don't contact any of my friends, they're not as understanding as I am about stalkers.

So. Back to interracial sex, then.

So, the guy who can't upload pics of himself and these so called adventures with hundreds of porn stars, is able to have 5 websites dedicated to himself. But of course, we're allowed to check these web sites out to see the proof of Fox's lies, but we just can't ask any questions to these people who are proof Fox is who he say's he is. Yep, keep spoonfeeding the lies kiddo.

See Fox, here's the thing. In my experiences, people who brag about how much money they have, don't actually have much money (as an example). So, people who go on a message board, and tell stories about how great their life is, and talk about all the unbelievable experiences they've been through, makes me believe they haven't done any of this. You seem to go to quite the lengths to prove your stories are true, right up until someone might make effort to look into the validity of these stories.
I personally don't see this as that big of a deal IMHO.
It's her decision to either do IR or not do IR films, plan & simple.
********** said:
If you actually click on any of my webpages you'll see that I'm not a liar. Or at least they go some way to proving whatever I've said here in the past.

Well, I'm not sure how clicking on a website proves any of your claims, especially when two of them are myspace sites. It actually further proves your imagination may be a tad vivid.

If you need to contact my friends to prove I'm real feel free, but that would be kind of weird and stalker-ish and I wish you wouldn't.

Dude, I think you are the biggest liar here. Asking one of your so called friends, who I located through a site of your own, doesn't seem like the best way to discover the facts. If I really cared that much, I would do my own investigation into your bank records and phone calls, then ask people you are in contact with in the real world.

I have no idea how to upload photos to freeones ! I am semi computer illiterate, my pc operates at a snail's pace hence why I'm almost never on it, my long posts are written in 10 mins tops, and my ******* website is maintained and designed by a friend. My myspace pages are very simplistic and basic precisely because I did them myself

So, if myspace is that easy, why not just put these famous pics up there? And seriously, you don't know how to use imageshack or imagevenue? But yet you were able to upload your signature, and have that showing on Freeones. An 8 year old could do that.

As an example, here is my favourite Stephanie Swift picture that took a whole 7 seconds to upload. Don't you just love that beautiful ass?


Like I said, time for you to stop telling lies about your education, or go back to these schools and ask them to educate you again.

As for the rest of what you said, I read it and ignored it.

I know you have, that's why you are a joke. You made claims you never supported. You ignored questions you were asked. And you generally danced around anything that debunked any of your claims.

Oh BTW I didn't get a full scholarship at Oxford (Oxford is virtually free to British people who can get in), I only did a semester there. I got a full scholarship at GMU in Fairfax, VA.

And I'm sure they are very proud of you.

Stop being so mad and chill. You can call me a liar all you want, but I'm not. And back on topic almost, the one thing I really disagree with most of all is that some races are better at some things, and some races better at others. I don't think race has anything to do with ability, when it comes to ANYTHING. Culture maybe, background... but your "race" i.e. skin colour is ONLY related to the climate your ancestors lived in, THAT'S IT, we all came from the same apes, that's it. I guarantee it.

I should stop being mad? Tell you, when it comes to Jenna, Tabitha, or any of the other women in the porn world or real life, you need to stop being mad at who these women are choosing to sleep with.

As for the other part, I hope you are enjoying whatever world you live in.

PS - Those 5 QBs got a ring because their team was better on the day, ONE GAME...

Funny enough, same could be said about Vince Young's college days, and yet you listed him as one of the greatest college QB's ever.

they're good, but they're not McNabb or Manning. McNabb took his team to 4 straight Conference Championship games. Manning is a genius. Brady not only won 3SBs which is great but shows that genius every week. So those three are untouchable...

Again, if the Eagles played in the other Conference, they would have been lucky to get to the second round 4 straight years. Brady is untouchable. The other 2 still have a lot to prove. However, Manning is still on the way up, McNabb is sliding down.

I don't care whether they made it to or won one game in January

See kiddo, sports are about winning championships. The whole point of the NFL is to win one game. That's all that matters. So, winning that game is the most important thing a QB can do.

Let's discuss all that on the NFL thread, you should check it out.

Well, considering how you avoid anything substantial on this thread, and you've made idiotic claims about QB's in the NFL, I'd rather not. But, this thread is about Jenna, not NFL QB's. I guess you shouldn't have brought up something you don't know anything about.
Dude, I think you are the biggest liar here. Asking one of your so called friends, who I located through a site of your own, doesn't seem like the best way to discover the facts. If I really cared that much, I would do my own investigation into your bank records and phone calls, then ask people you are in contact with in the real world.

lately ive been noticing that you really want to discredit and disprove fox. you say that you really dont care? i beg to differ. why are you obsessed with fox?
Are we still debating this? I told you, she is dating UFC fighter Tito Ortiz. He is mexican. She is white. That equals interracial... as long as they've fucked... and im sure they have.
nope...never has...thats why shes overrated...doesnt do anal, doesnt swallow...i wonder how she stays on top :2 cents:

Me too (I wonder...) maybe it's beacause her breasts and her cheerleader face

the unique film that I 've ever appreciated is "Jenna is the Masseuse":cool:
Are we still debating this? I told you, she is dating UFC fighter Tito Ortiz. He is mexican. She is white. That equals interracial... as long as they've fucked... and im sure they have.

and i told you that we are talking on camera sex.

and fox, stop saying that you can prove it. they wont believe you anyway. no matter what.;)
lately ive been noticing that you really want to discredit and disprove fox. you say that you really dont care? i beg to differ. why are you obsessed with fox?

I think you've miss interpreted what I meant. I said I don't care enough to go to the lengths one could go to to prove who he really is, not that I don't care in general (this is where reading comprehension comes into play). My issue is that this guy continues to lie, and ignore facts and questions that are shown to him, and I am sick of it. So I am calling him out, hoping he will actually be man enough to either prove his claims, or admit his lies. But, the more he doesn't, the more I want to make sure everyone here sees him for who he really is, and doesn't take him seriously on any other thread.

Second paragraph down.

If I really cared that much

See, "that much".

Ex. I care that my neighbors are trying to have a baby, and are struggling to become pregnant. But if I really cared enough (that much), I would do something to help. See the difference?

I know, seriously. It's the kind of thing where, if you just can't stand someone, there's nothing they can say to disprove your accusations. You have profiles full of friends and stories from all these places and things you've done? Well they're probably made up. And your friends are probably made up.

Either you are confused to what MySpace.com really is, or you are trying to fool others to what it is. "Proving" you are friends with people because they are listed in your "Friends NetworK" on MySpace.com doesn't show you know these people, or are even friends with them. Anyone on this board with a MySpace.com site could say the same thing you have if they wanted to. There is no proof that you actually know (on a personal level) any of the people you say you do. And, if you truly were good friends with them, and had personal experiences with them, you would respect them enough not to talk about them on a board like this. Remember when I said in my experiences, people who talk about how much money they have, really don't have that much money? People tell pompous stories and fables like that to inflate themselves up more then they really are. If you really knew the people you claim to know, you'd respect your friendship enough to leave them off this board.

You have photos? They must be photoshopped.

You have photos?!? Really, because no one has seen any of them!!!

I guess, why even bother responding to people like that, who detest someone so much that they become obsessed with it.

Maybe because you haven't actually shown one piece of evidence that your claims are real. That is my problem.

For the record, everything I have ever said on this board has been and will continue to be true,

Except we proven time and time again, you have lied. So, please, stop telling this lie.

and I will post those photos of me and pornstars etc etc, just when I get round to it.

well, if I was getting called out over and over again, and still maintained I was indeed telling the truth and not lying, I might be a little quicker in getting these pics out there for people to see. The delay makes it seem like you are stalling, to give yourself time to create this pictures.

For the record, if I had a scanner, I could show you pics of myself and former Porn Queen Nikki Tyler. I happened to be at a club she was dancing at, and I was lucky enough to get my picture with her. While sitting there waiting for the shot to be taken, I chatted with her a bit. Does this mean I know her? Well, most people would say no. But you Fox, would probably say yes.

The point is, you've claimed you know these people, but these people are in the public eye and many times a day they pose for pictures with their fans. What I'm saying is, posting one picture of you posing with someone "famous" doesn't actually mean you know them (or that pathetic attempt at using MySpace). If that were the case, me and the Prime Minister of Canada would be buds.

See, if you had said you met these people, no one would say anything. But you said over and over again, that you know these people. That these people are your friends, and yet you've never offered up one piece of substantial evidence to prove such a thing.

Like I said I'm really bad with computers. My sig was done by my a fellow member who also told me how to upload it. I'm still not sure how to do pix, though I do know how to post links to galleries. When I have time, I'll scan all the photos and put them on one of those picture hosting sites. My computer is so slow that it'll take me a few hours and I don't have a few hours right now.

Bad with computers, but you are a self proclaimed well educated man. Wow. How were you able to get the education you claimed to have received and still be bad with computers? It's one thing to not know how to fix a broken PC, but to do something as simple as scan and up load photos has to make me wonder if you went to these academic institutions in the 1940's, or that you simply just didn't go there at all. My grandfather, a veteran of WWII, who is approaching his 80th birthday, is able to scan pics and upload them for his brothers in England to see. How is it he can do this, and yet you are "bad with computers"? Well, except for those 5 websites you have dedicated to yourself.

I'm working two jobs right now (Lasertron and Wegmans) and saving up for the move back to Cali.

Yet, you have plenty of time to visit Freeones.com quite often and post usually long posts. Tell you what, don't post for a week, and then maybe you'll have some extra time.

Are we still debating this? I told you, she is dating UFC fighter Tito Ortiz. He is mexican. She is white. That equals interracial... as long as they've fucked... and im sure they have.

Are you sure? Because I haven't heard that (beyond one weekend of them posing for the cameras), but she has come out and said she is with Carmen Electra's ex Dave Navarro. Not saying you are wrong about big head Ortiz, but I'd like to see some more proof then just Jenna at one of his fights. Besides, even if they are together, she'll be dumping his ass after his face gets beat in again by Chuck. Don't know why that punk gets a title shot again, he barely got by Forrest.
If you really do not think that anyone should be pressured into doing something, then you should respect their choices. You shouldn't make all these kinds of assumptions about the motives of others and then start labelling them as either racists or people who promote racism.

You seem to have some misguided idea that what you're doing is right, and that's what I find so incredibly creepy. You're labelling others because of these assumptions, and falsely believe that you should dictate who people have sex with.

Are you even aware that some pornstars feel pressured into doing interracial, because there are people like you, who would otherwise call them racist or any other such nonsense?

Seriously, you need to learn to respect the choices that are rightfully any pornstar's, and not try to promote your own views by telling them what to do. How can can you even say that no one should feel pressured into doing anything, when you're writing something like this? People like you are just as bad as those who try to pressure pornstars to not do interracial.
Oh come one, Fox. You simply can't say that you are not trying to pressure anyone into anything, when you write the things that you do. It makes no sense when you're writing how much you're right about this, and how you will never stop fighting.
You still haven't answering whether think that some pornstars feel pressured into doing interracial because of comments like your own. How can that ever be acceptable?

I'm also left wondering what you think of people's sexual preferences. Reading your post, it makes we wonder what you think of regular people who have sexual preferences. If race isn't an issue, what do you think of people who just isn't attracted to a certain race, or who is simply more attracted to one race? Wouldn't that too be discrimination by the reasons that you're giving? Would you really like to dictate who people have sex with?

I'm by all means for equal rights. But I believe that you're taking this too far. It's not a right to have sex with someone, whether on or off camera.
People have a personal choice, and we should all respect that, since it's not really any of our business.

Besides, haven't you made comments about race and skincolor before around here? Haven't you mentioned that you love to watch black men and white women together?
I know it's a very personal matter and I normally don't go there, but I believe that I've read you say that you're turned on by your girlfriend having sex with people of a certain race or skincolor? Do I remember wrong, or have I misunderstood something?


Retired Moderator
Enough gentlemen, Enough.

I've been watching this thread for a while now and allowed this debate to spiral on long enough.

I feel you have all said you peace about the topic so let it go.

I see no reason to debate the social acceptability of IR relationships in a thread that was started with the simple question....

Has Jenna Jameson ever done Interracial??

A simple Yes or No would have sufficed.

No one can ever really change some ones opinions about something as complicated as race,

especially anonymously over the internet and much less on a public bulletin board.
DS, you are seriously obsessed. You keep saying "we" have shown you're lying and "we" all see through you etc, but YOU are the WE.

Hate to let reality come crashing through, but I am referring to other threads in which you've made claims you couldn't prove, or backed away from questions you were asked. Take a look at any one of the Political topics to see where others have responded to one of your posts, and you've avoided their responses.

You are the only one who is hell bent on proving that I'm a liar when I'm not. You're the only one! Everyone else has made up their mind about it and moved on.

True, but just because others have let you off the hook, doesn't mean you should get a free pass from me. I feel you are a liar (and an idiot for some of your comments), and I want to make sure that anyone who is new to this board, or who didn't know you before, knows exactly what they are getting into when they see your name in a thread. I am the thorn in your side, and I will be there until you smarten up and start behaving like a man. Until then, even if I am the only one, I will be there to make sure you get called out on all your idiotic statements.

Tell you what, just answer the questions asked of you, and maybe you'll get some breathing room. But because you continue to run away, you will continue to have me on you every step of the way.

Like I said before if your life is so dreary that it leads you to assume mine never happened just because I've had a lot of fun experiences, well, I feel bad for you, but you're the master of your own destiny. :)

Fox, being jealous of someone who is a proven liar isn't something a rational person would do. Keep avoiding the issue my friend, maybe then you'll be able to continue telling your stories without proving them. But I love how you want to comment on me, but not on anything I've asked you. Good job. You're as transparent as glass.

As for not respecting those women, I respect them immensely, I adore them, and I worship them.

You respect women, yet you believe they shouldn't have a say in who they have sex with? Just say it, you don't respect Jenna or Tabitha. Just admit it. You'll feel better.

Most of them are just acquaintances, I've met once or twice, in clubs, in my restauraunt. There are about ten of them I know fairly well. They have no problem with me telling people I know them, why would they? I don't tell their secrets, just that we're friends. No biggie there..

Briana and I are good friends. We've spoken a hundred times and a few times at length. I dated Sofia Ferrari for a month or so, so I know her intimately. Dale DaBone and Amber Michaels are friends of mine, but I haven't seen them in five years. Me and Dale talked all the time when I lived in Cali. Former Vivid Girl Celeste is one of the closer friends that my girlfriend has... they still e-mail each other and talk on the phone. I think that's it. Well I know Alexandra Quinn fairly well too. These aren't "I met them one night in the club" my list of THOSE girls is over a hundred names long. These are the people I talk to, I know, etc. So believe me or not, but I just wanted to clarify what I mean by knowing them. I know their real names too, and where they live and their cell numbers (a couple of them), THOSE are the kinds of things friends would never ever share... that would be disrespectful and dangerous and a betrayal. Why is telling people I know them disrespectful? I'm proud I know them and I love them!

Why do I ignore all the rest of the mindless accusations and repetitive things in your obsessive letters? Because they're boring, and I'm ignoring them from now on.

Or, it's to actually avoid having to prove these things I've questioned you on. You're the one who keeps saying how much in the know you are about these people, yet any time someone has asked you for some actual proof, you've conviently forgot to give any.

Funny thing is, you claim to know their real names, where they live, and their phone numbers. But you know what, so do most of their stalkers. Even more then that, you can't actually prove any of these claims.

I could claim I know Asia Carrera's real name, and where she lives. Same with Stephanie Swift, and Jill Kelly (all of which could be found on their websites BTW). Of course, I can't say what these things are, but you'll have to trust me I know them.

That is the LAST time I am responding to your obsessive rants about me! The last time!

Getting deja vu here. It's like I've heard this before. Oh wait, I have, numerous times. Fox's credibility takes another hit.

And they are obsessive! Just look at how much you've written about me on a thread that has nothing to do with me! Calm down! Get a grip! If someone infuriates you, ignore them, don't become obsessed with them, it's not at all healthy, I promise you.

Listen kid, you don't "infuriate" me. You make me laugh. I think this is one of the more comical things I've ever been apart of on this board. I'm sure there is more then one person here who is over exaggerated who they really are, but you've gone to such lengths to prove your stories to be true, without ever offering up one piece of evidence.

You talk about how educated and world traveled you are, but you have no clue how to upload pictures onto the internet. You say you aren't very good with computers, yet you list 5 sites that are dedicated to you. You talk about not having much free time to spend on scanning your pics, but yet you are on this board every day adding ridiculously long posts. You know, your actions don't really support your claims. But like I said, you've never been able to support your claims, so no one should be surprised by this.

Back on topic now, and I will not stray from it again in any post on this thread at all.

Why doesn't Jenna do Interracial? Because she thinks she'd lose fans or because it's beneath her. Why do I think this, and not that it's some personal preference? Because she's been with black guys and latino guys in her private life and a couple for money. Why do I think this sucks? Because I think it promotes racism and an aversion to interracial or the stigmatizing of interracial sex, and puts Jenna's seal of approval on it. That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. No-one should feel pressured into doing anything, and imo Jenna was PRESSURED into not doing interracial by the stigmas of a highly racist society, which means she, like Tabitha, gave into racism, and whether a person is a porn performer or a politician, I find that deplorable.


Just curious, how do you know for certain Jenna has "been with black guys and latino guys in her private life and a couple for money"? I've asked this before, and you've never answered. But I'm sure you won't answer this time either.

Second, how is being pressured into not doing IR "by the stigmas of a highly racist society", any different then the women in this world who have been pressured into doing IR with the threat of being labeled a racist? Look at the pressure you and your ilk have put on these women because they have made a choice in what to do with their own bodies. It's not just IR. It's the same with some "fans" who want to see anal, or DP, or even facials. Jenna is a big enough star that she was able to make the choices she made, and still find herself on top. You think some gap tooth fugly whore like Belladonna could have taken the same road Jenna took, and still found success? Do you honestly believe there aren't people in this business that have told newbies to the porn world they have to do IR, or they will never work again? You complain about a highly racist society, and yet you use the threat of racism to try and get what you want. When will people realize this actually creates more racism?

You are basically calling Jenna a bigot because she won't work with a black guy on film. We proven there is only a small number of black guys in porn, and we've proven there is a large number of white guys on porn that haven't worked with Jenna (a few who have been around for years, and have very impressive resumes), and we proven Jenna only works on camera with people she is comfortable with. You've made the unfounded claim that Jenna has fucked black guys in her personal life. Couldn't it be Jenna just doesn't like or respect the 4 or 5 black guys in porn right now, and that's why she hasn't done IR? Afterall, according to you, she fucks black guys in her personal life (something again, I've never seen proof of).

Now, SeraphiM is calling for an end to this, so I will respect his wishes. However, be for warned, you are still on my radar, and I will continue to call you out if you keep making unfounded and idiotic claims.


Closed Account
In answer to thread title only. I didn't read all that other.

If she doesn't want to she doesn't have to. Its that simple. Nobody should be made to do anything they don't want to do with there own body. SHE OWES NOBODY ANYTHING, not even an explanation. Some won't do anal, money shots, ass to mouth and its their choice and preference. I'm sure some won't do Mr. Jaramey either. This is no different I feel, its a choice not a racial issue. IMHO of course.

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