has becoming a mod changed them

What do you good people think?
I dont know, I think there is some people who shouldnt become mods.

I dont know how its done now, but I think the members of the forum should vote for who gets to become a mod or not.

There should be a list of "canidates" and the members of the forum can pick who they like, or see fit for the job.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't know about that, but what I do know is that I'm a MOD, like it or not...

Motherfucking Outrageous Dude


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

I never see new posts by the new mods, so I guess they're suddenly opinionless.

or.. they just werent all that talkative to begin with and I'm overthinking it. Regardless of which is truer.. they're there... but they're not THERE anymore.
I don't think we're supposed to talk about this stuff. I predict a thread closure in 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...
yeah, why is the freeone's staff so secretive? sometimes it just seems like they intentionally just want to keep us in the dark. If a mod doesn't feel like divulging any information about anything, that is their business, but I don't think it's fair to try and keep freeone's members from discussing what goes on behind the scenes. after all, a lot of the active member's invest a lot into this board and are very close with each other, so really whatever happens effects all of us.

I respect the decisions of the mod's and I'm not going to make a fuss about it, but it doesn't seem right that a thread should be shut down if it's not violating the board rules.

but as for the question goes... I don't know who is a mod now that, I guess, didn't used to be. All the mods that have been here since I am seem to be pretty consistent. The one's that actually post, that is.
Oh boy here we go again.....
In before the lock
When Marge joined the police academy I thought it would be fun and exciting like that movie... Space Balls. But instead it was painful and disturbing like the movie Police Academy.

ha, for some reason this thread make me think of that line.


No complaints here . . .

To my knowledge, there aren't many forums that are democratic in their selection of mods and probably for good reasons.

There are responsibilities involved, it isn't all (or anything) about wielding a power trip, one would hope.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
No complaints here . . .

To my knowledge, there aren't many forums that are democratic in their selection of mods and probably for good reasons.

There are responsibilities involved, it isn't all (or anything) about wielding a power trip, one would hope.

Rules is rules, it don't matter who you is. (I'm well aware that the grammar used right there is 100% crapola, but I don't care)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
No complaints here . . .

To my knowledge, there aren't many forums that are democratic in their selection of mods and probably for good reasons.

There are responsibilities involved, it isn't all (or anything) about wielding a power trip, one would hope.

I know.. but speaking for myself.. I miss BNF and AFA. They were at least chatty despite being power-wielding mods. Seriously, I dont think either were bad in the least.

I miss posts by people. I dont see fox, dick van coc k or a few other people anymore. I dont know if they're here under another name (doesnt seem like it) or whatever.. and the new mods, I havent seen anything except closings by maleonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnine, and that was your standard fare. Cited a rule, closed the topic. No opinions, no jokes.. no pictures posted.. ::sigh::

I miss when me and legz used to go down to the bar and he kept buying me drinks and calling me Natasha Henstridge. I dont remember much, but the drinks were free and tasty! YAYZ!

... my ass hurts.
some day the time will come when the mods will have to be held accountable for their actions, but they will have to answer to us, the people of Gotham, not this crazy madman!
I may not have become a mod, but I kinda disappeared anyway! What the fuck's up with dat?

I think that the new mods are probably so busy sifting through the bs that goes on here that they don't have time for much of their regular posting. I guess it comes with the territory.