hard f*ucked till crying!

Dear all,

I love the hard ones, but there are so few! I like it when the girls are harder done as they can imagine and start crying!

I checked the meath*les series but its not eough for me! Can you tell me where i can get what I m looking for?

don´t get me wrong: I am not looking for explicit bdsm!

Thanx an greets!
facial abuse, latina abuse & ghetto gaggers are all good starts...beyond that and you're getting beyond paramaters of allowable content on this fourm I believe.
I know one of melissa lauren in un-natural sex, whre she is really bad treated while getting fucked hard! I love her in that scene!

Do you have seen similar scenes?
lol yahtezee ftw
Over 40 gets more than she bargained for:

http://over40plus.com/movies/b3/1/thehun.htm (into it in clip #1; showing mixed emotions in clip #2; seems to be crying full-on by clip #3...) :eek:


-yeah, might be more than she bargained for, but check late in that third clip where it slips out and we see the disappointed "why'd you stop!?" look.

I want to see videos of girls being tortured and crying!

-Watch "reality tv", there seems to be a lot of that there. Not much actual torture, but lots of crying. "That bitch ate my biscuit! That was MY biscuit! Bwaaaa!"