Hope that you are having a good one. :crowdgrin
Jane Burgess Official Checked Star Member May 30, 2009 #1 Hope that you are having a good one. :crowdgrin
Kingfisher Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie... May 30, 2009 #2 :glugglug:Happy Birthday Roald! Tip back a pint!
B biomech Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit May 30, 2009 #3 Happy birthday Roald, hope your having a good one.
Skyraider22 The One and Only Big Daddy May 30, 2009 #8 Happy Birthday Ronald wishing you many more and enjoy your day:glugglug::glugglug:arty::crowdgrinartysml:
Happy Birthday Ronald wishing you many more and enjoy your day:glugglug::glugglug:arty::crowdgrinartysml:
thebear247 May 30, 2009 #9 Happy birthday roald even tho skyraider already messed up and called you ronald i hope you enjoy your specail day take care and god bless
Happy birthday roald even tho skyraider already messed up and called you ronald i hope you enjoy your specail day take care and god bless
gunslingingbird May 30, 2009 #10 Happy birthday! I apologize that Petra couldn't give you the lap dance that I promised she would. Instead, I've sent BlueBalls over to your apartment. He'll be delighted to service you. :thumbsup:
Happy birthday! I apologize that Petra couldn't give you the lap dance that I promised she would. Instead, I've sent BlueBalls over to your apartment. He'll be delighted to service you. :thumbsup:
porno dan Approved Content Owner Approved Content Owner May 30, 2009 #14 I hope you had a great birthday and an even better vacation.
Gordar May 30, 2009 #15 http://board.freeones.com/showpost.php?p=3265818&postcount=173 Happy birthday to all the people who gained wisdom (wisdom comes with age, right?).
http://board.freeones.com/showpost.php?p=3265818&postcount=173 Happy birthday to all the people who gained wisdom (wisdom comes with age, right?).
BAYAMONXXX Land Of The Snakes May 30, 2009 #16 Happy Birthday Roald. http://blog.nj.com/entertainment_impact_celebrities/2008/01/large_jenna3.jpg
Facetious Moderated May 30, 2009 #19 AAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEE ! Well ? :dunno: Just don't come home all ukey: like last year 'cause "somebody" had to clean up after . . . J/K :grin: :beer:
AAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEE ! Well ? :dunno: Just don't come home all ukey: like last year 'cause "somebody" had to clean up after . . . J/K :grin: :beer: