Happy Birthday President Barack Obama!

The hilarious part is, you actually believe what you're shovelling. :facepalm:
Well, in fairness he's right about losing all that international respect in the office of president.
Obama is wasting the internationally percieved inheritance of honesty, trustworthiness, intellect, Al-Ideen intelligent foreign, domestic and economic policy and an erudite use of words that has been associated with the office of president of the united states ever since bush came to power.
Not for nothing did bush inspire literary tomes reverentially named "bushisms" containing the words of wisdom of the great man himself.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If'n we had us a President Palin, we'uns wouldn't be havin' all these hyar prolems.


I'd probably give him a C+ overall at this stage. My main issue is that he tends to turn over too many important initiatives to subordinates, many of whom are fairly incompetent or just goofy in the head (*cough cough* Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi). I also think that he's spent WAY too much time on things, which though important to the affected groups, are not key to the nation overall - like gay rights and gay marriage. The TEA Party wing of the GOP is clearly just a wandering gaggle of delusional geese. So I can't completely blame Obama for not being able to work with those treacherous, traitorous morons. But I do think that instead of playing with special interest causes, he could have made a case to the American people, every Sunday night (or whenever) on national TV, letting people know about jobs bills, targeted tax cuts and various other incentives that would strengthen American business and get more people back to work. But he has chosen not to take the fight to Congress. He's chosen just to let them continue destroying the republic. He's just too passive for me. IMO, right now he's acting more like he did in that debate with Romney, where he did the Ali rope-a-dope for 10 rounds.

C+ overall
B- for foreign policy (I support drone strikes and I oppose boots on the ground)
C- for domestic and fiscal policy

I'd give Ben Bernanke a solid B for monetary policy. Not every monetary initiative has worked, but QE has kept our economy from sinking into disinflation or (worse) deflation. And our economy has come back from the Great Recession stronger than the European economies. I give the U.S. Congress almost no credit for that and Obama very little.

I'd give the Congress a solid F just for the fact that they continue to breathe air that the rest of us could be using.

So, happy birthday, Mr. President. We've had better. But we have had worse too... and could have had a LOT worse in '08 (if Father Time McCain and Silly Sarah from Wasilla had gotten in there).


If'n we had us a President Palin, we'uns wouldn't be havin' all these hyar prolems.


I'd probably give him a C+ overall at this stage. My main issue is that he tends to turn over too many important initiatives to subordinates, many of whom are fairly incompetent or just goofy in the head (*cough cough* Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi). I also think that he's spent WAY too much time on things, which though important to the affected groups, are not key to the nation overall - like gay rights and gay marriage. The TEA Party wing of the GOP is clearly just a wandering gaggle of delusional geese. So I can't completely blame Obama for not being able to work with those treacherous, traitorous morons. But I do think that instead of playing with special interest causes, he could have made a case to the American people, every Sunday night (or whenever) on national TV, letting people know about jobs bills, targeted tax cuts and various other incentives that would strengthen American business and get more people back to work. But he has chosen not to take the fight to Congress. He's chosen just to let them continue destroying the republic. He's just too passive for me. IMO, right now he's acting more like he did in that debate with Romney, where he did the Ali rope-a-dope for 10 rounds.

C+ overall
B- for foreign policy (I support drone strikes and I oppose boots on the ground)
C- for domestic and fiscal policy

I'd give Ben Bernanke a solid B for monetary policy. Not every monetary initiative has worked, but QE has kept our economy from sinking into disinflation or (worse) deflation. And our economy has come back from the Great Recession stronger than the European economies. I give the U.S. Congress almost no credit for that and Obama very little.

I'd give the Congress a solid F just for the fact that they continue to breathe air that the rest of us could be using.

So, happy birthday, Mr. President. We've had better. But we have had worse too... and could have had a LOT worse in '08 (if Father Time McCain and Silly Sarah from Wasilla had gotten in there).

Spot on ol' chap. Spot on. :thumbsup:


Staff member
So, "wasting money on health care" is a positive thing ?

No, it isn't, I was sarcastic. Look at how we are financially fucked up by assisting unwilling to work ghetto trash parasites who leech social helps and who get the social securitypaid by our taxes and this since 1974.


No, it isn't, I was sarcastic. Look at how we are financially fucked up by assisting unwilling to work ghetto trash parasites who leech social helps and who get the social securitypaid by our taxes and this since 1974.

Yup yup. What with how well the economy is doing, there is no excuse for every man, woman and child to not have a job. Shit, there is an overabundance of work. I say let the Mexicans back in to take up the slack. There's empty desks and benches all over America. Hell, I got people stopping me on the street, asking me to come fill a vacancy at their company because no one is seeking employment anymore. Whooda thunk we'd ever get to 0% unemployment. Thank you GW Bush. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Dude, stop. Stop it right there. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: we already have one Sam Fisher and I'm not going to put up with another. I expect him to be ignorant, inbred trash, but I know better with you. You're not as stupid as you pretend to be and your act isn't going to work on me. So, one last time, stop. If you want to initiate debate with me (which, in this case, you did), you're not going to pretend that your parents were previously related, you're going to step up to the plate and you are going to deal with the issue, not how you can puss out and run from it.

Those were your side in the vid. Forget Jeff Daniels (you distraction-bent little pussy) and concentrate on Allen West, Herman Cain, Grover Norquist and Mitch McConnell. Concentrate on how the Tea Party turned John McCain, American Hero into one more quivering, little turd. Concentrate on how Chris Christie can't deal with a hurricane without having to deal with his own Right-wing. Concentrate on how Michele Bachmann was once a Presidential candidate.

Again, you know all this. You're not as obtuse as you pretend to be. And for future reference (and I will come back and quote and re-quote this very post as much as I need to) I'm not going to bother discussing the weather with you whenever you decide to act like a moron. So either man-up for get the fuck outta my face.

OK, I get it...you are the result of incest, and you are sensitive. Sorry and all that, but you got into this shit on your own...
As for my side...wtf? I got no dog in this hunt, I just dislike pussy BS like Tea Party Lib Taliking Points...no one ever collected the big bucks reward for vid evidence of racism displayed at a Tea Party Rally...'cause it was always a desperate Otrama Commando attack like the IRS fucking with the "Partiers. And it failed to do much except show the desperation of your side...the Demotards, right? You repeat their Talking Points doncha?You onea them , obviously.
As for Col West, I like him. He's got balls, he's smart, and he says hardcore shit like that quote in your pansy video expose of the TP.
So far, I haven't heard anything from him that crossed my grain...yay Tea Party.
And they are a political group, pushing their agenda out there in the open. Michelle ran...and lost...so what? So did The Rent's Too Damn High Party guy...so did a lot of other folks. She never had a chance, but neither did a shitload of loopier Demotards either...
What is your point? Dems court the dumbest Black voters and think nothing of it. You act like the Tea Party has power to control men's minds...nope.
Just nice folks by and large who go for their agenda with Politician support or public speech. Good. Just what is your disconnect with the Tea Party other than they aren't Demotards expecting Otrama to pay for their gasoline and rent when he won.
So get outa your own face, try being a tough guy to yerself laying that lame BS out on a 'net forum.
You an Army boy, Col West did it all and better than you.
Fuck Christy, ready to give Barak a BJ on the Jersey Shore for a few crumbs of FEMA help.
The whole Sandy Bill for assistance had more pork than breakfast sausage.


You're sexy when you're incoherent. You wanted bonafides as to what I posted before, I gave them to you, and ^^^ this is the best you got? How about a nonsensical, pseudoexplanation of Congress's 15% approval rating while they vote to repeal Obamacare 40 separate times and fail. How about getting an entire campaign season of economy and jobs and then completely ignoring both once the election is over.

I'll look forward to not understanding what the fuck you're babbling about when you respond. :thumbsup:


Get someone to help you read my post, it's pretty clear and easy to understand.
Too many multisyllable words?
Sorry, I thought you could read at an advanced level...don't know why I assumed that.
Well, I ain't gonna rewrite it for you, like I suggested ...get someone to help.
Remember that Mark Twain quote? "The longer you argue with a fool, the harder it is for the people watching to tell the difference", or something along those lines?

Mark Twain never met or even conceived of a fool as decidedly stupid as Philbert.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Remember that Mark Twain quote? "The longer you argue with a fool, the harder it is for the people watching to tell the difference", or something along those lines?

Mark Twain never met or even conceived of a fool as decidedly stupid as Philbert.
:glugglug: Hence my lost cause to put the board's insufferable fools on ignore.

On the other hand, while Mayhem and I don't see eye to eye on some big issues (hell, maybe just one), it's still an awesome sight to behold when he's laying into one of our...hmm...less than mentally capable members.

Anyway, happy belated birthday to our President. Even if I didn't vote for him the last time, he's undoubtedly better than the other guy would have been. But let's get some votes altogether away from the R's and D's next time, eh? I reckon one of the best things we could do in 2014 is make the Republicans lose the House majority...and not have the Democrats gain it.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Anyway, happy belated birthday to our President. Even if I didn't vote for him the last time, he's undoubtedly better than the other guy would have been. But let's get some votes altogether away from the R's and D's next time, eh? I reckon one of the best things we could do in 2014 is make the Republicans lose the House majority...and not have the Democrats gain it.


To steal a line from a man much greater than I will ever be: "I have a dream..."


Remember that Mark Twain quote? "The longer you argue with a fool, the harder it is for the people watching to tell the difference", or something along those lines?

Mark Twain never met or even conceived of a fool as decidedly stupid as Philbert.

---That's true...he was before your time, dumbass.


My Hands Should Be Patented As A Bra; Perfect Fit!
Happy Late Birthday Obama! Here's your present- wait for it- BOOM!!!:explosion: :D
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Blue Countach again.