Hanging Munchkin in Oz

What am I looking for. I see something behind the trees after the characters walk off screen but haven't got a clue what.
You mean that barely noticeable little swing action at the center of the screen?

To much video editing capability out there today. Without the original copy, I would have to say no. :dunno:


Member, you member...
Funny, I couldn't see what to look for and I believe you are talking about what appears to the left of Scarecrow as they near the end of the lane.
If so, it looks like a Tucan beak.

After reading hornet's post - I was close.
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Don't think it is a suicide. The film would never have been released if someone killed themselves on set.

As for the myths on the link, do you believe in coincidence. No concrete facts to back this up. In fact no even remotely dodgy facts that have been twisted are provided to at least explain why this conclusion has been reached.