Official Checked Star Member
Hey Guys,
It's time for another contest.
Our last contest was a picture caption contest.
This week our contest will be to write a Booty Haiku
(three line poem 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables)
If you write anything rude or degrading about my ass I won't pick you to win. I don't enjoy anal sex or objects being rammed in there. Let's focus on the beauty and wonder of my booty.
-You may only submit one haiku for the contest.
-Your entry must follow the structure of what a haiku is or it will not be judged.
-Your entry will not win if you insult or degrade the Green Eyed booty.
Contest Dates:
Entries will be accepted Saturday September 24 through Friday September 30. I will not judge any entries after that date. I will announce winners in the thread in October within 3-5 days of contest. (depending on how many entries it may take longer to judge)
1st place: one MONTH pass to PLUS a fan sign with your FREEONES user name
2nd place: one week pass to
3rd place: fan sign with your FREEONES user name
All three winners will have their booty haikus posted on my blog
Good luck everyone!
It's time for another contest.
Our last contest was a picture caption contest.
This week our contest will be to write a Booty Haiku
(three line poem 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables)

If you write anything rude or degrading about my ass I won't pick you to win. I don't enjoy anal sex or objects being rammed in there. Let's focus on the beauty and wonder of my booty.
-You may only submit one haiku for the contest.
-Your entry must follow the structure of what a haiku is or it will not be judged.
-Your entry will not win if you insult or degrade the Green Eyed booty.
Contest Dates:
Entries will be accepted Saturday September 24 through Friday September 30. I will not judge any entries after that date. I will announce winners in the thread in October within 3-5 days of contest. (depending on how many entries it may take longer to judge)
1st place: one MONTH pass to PLUS a fan sign with your FREEONES user name
2nd place: one week pass to
3rd place: fan sign with your FREEONES user name
All three winners will have their booty haikus posted on my blog
Good luck everyone!