Guys. Do you like sitting in other people's piss?

Do you like sitting in urine?

  • No.

    Votes: 20 48.8%

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • Actually, I kinda like the way it makes my ass itch afterwards.

    Votes: 5 12.2%

  • Total voters
I always lift the seat up...I just worry that it will slam down again.:eek:
what a stupid question...why would anyone enjoy sitting in piss?

That was kind of the point man. I knew the answer was no. It's called satire.

The point was to get guys thinking about lifting the fucking seat if you are gonna piss in a crapper thinking of your fellow brother whose ass may fall out in a few minutes and need that stall.
First let me say a thread of men complaining of dribbles on the toilet seat, lid position etc. is more that amusing to me. :D

LL, I'm not just talking about "dribbles." There are some guys who will piss all over the seat (almost like it's intentional) leaving the need to clean more urine off in larger quantities (or else sit on it) to defecate, it's not exactly sanitary. Urine is not "sterile" as some people believe. It carries both viruses and bacterium.

You were spot on about it being about "class." It was a shout out to my fellow males to think of the next "poor victim." :D

And the picture is "Shitbreak" from American Pie -- if you haven't seen the original, rent it just to see the scene where this guy has to use a public crapper. You'll get the picture of the mental image I was trying to paint about "the move."
I would have to see how bad the toilet seat is first. If it is loaded with poop and other things, then heck no. If there was a toliet paper cockatil or it looks like a (toilet paper) napkin in a wine glass then also no. If it is a few pee droplets, then I'll wipe it off and do my business. I've been a otr trucker and some of the nicest rest rooms are in truck stops. And I forgot where it was, but yes, the handicapped stalls are awesome.

My gripe is when they place the toilet paper holder so close to the damn toilet seat and your kinees keep on hitting it or you have to twist your body to pull some toilet paper out.
I'm loving it !

And, since I know every guys on this fucking planet loves it as well, when I'm to pee in a public place, I carefully pee all over the seat.

Next time you will enjoy delicate moist feeling, you'd know i was there a few minutes ago
If I really had to take a dump in a public toilet, I would make sure that when I squat, my ass doesn't make contact with the toilet seat.
Or sitting in shit. On a side note, I actually got on the subway one day (at rush hour on a weekday!) and to my horror, saw a seat covered with shit. Not even dog shit, human shit! I should point out, this was not just like someone had an "accident" or anal hygiene violation, someone actually dropped trow and took a shit. Needless to say, the smell was horrendous. A tip: If you ever find yourself in Philadelphia and use the Market Frankford Line, and get on car 1137, I would stand! lol