Guy taking off girl's panties, eats pussy

Blue Balls - whoa, that was uncalled for. I don't see how my original post made you perceive me to be a stalking rapist. Your description is quite misplaced as it would relate to me. But enough of that. Frankly, I don't care what anyone thinks about me. I just want pictures of what I originally described. Anyone have anything.

As for the dubiousness that a couple of you articulated - I don't know what to tell you. When I have taken off women's panties their legs seem to spread.

Dude, chill out he was just joking.BB is the jokester of this board he wasn't serious, he was just messing with ya.:hatsoff:

BTW you can to a porn board so expect those kind of posts and comment.
Doggone - it may be a porn site, but I guess I just didn't expect the violence contained in that message. But, I'm chilled. I'm over it.