Gun Control Groups Prepare for 'National Day of Protest'


Hiliary 2020
Well it Seems Jesse Jackson and some folks are planning on protesting some gun stores who I am sure are following all current firearms laws, otherwise theyed be shut down in a heartbeat.
Damn guns, when are they gonna stop killing people?
I remember when civil rights leaders "had a dream".
Now it seems they only "have a Scheme".

Heres 2 articles, the second one is pretty one sided. On the 2nd paragraph it says a guy was killed by an AK-47. Maybe someone should inform these people that AK-47s are already illegal in every state. So what exactly do these people want? Anybody?
well, good luck with that guys. call me a pessimist, but I don't see how a bunch of guys without guns are going to get very fair convincing people WITH guns to do anything that they don't want to.
Another protest, more "OUTRAGE" in this era of outrage. Maybe someone will demand an apology too. That seems common as well.

How about we have a day in the US when nobody bitches about anything? Just once?


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Originally Posted by George Washington
Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.
When firearms go, all goes. We need them every hour.
The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.

I think this about sums it up.
As a non-american i just cannot understand the passionate
adoration of guns that many americans, including fellow freeones
members, appear to have
- it's just something that most brits & other europeans ( western
europeans at least) are unable to comprehend
why many americans feel defenseless without their gun and why,
despite having the highest murder rates & deaths by guns of anywhere
in the developed world, the idea of "gun control" is so objectionable
to them.

anyway, just my :2 cents: and opinion on this thread - i know it's
futile to try to "argue" for gun control on here

(p.s. - i'm aware of the "right to bear arms" in the constitution, my
point is more what is the justification for the law at the moment,
rather that 230 years ago)
As a non-american i just cannot understand the passionate
adoration of guns that many americans, including fellow freeones
members, appear to have
- it's just something that most brits & other europeans ( western
europeans at least) are unable to comprehend
why many americans feel defenseless without their gun and why,
despite having the highest murder rates & deaths by guns of anywhere
in the developed world, the idea of "gun control" is so objectionable
to them.

anyway, just my :2 cents: and opinion on this thread - i know it's
futile to try to "argue" for gun control on here

(p.s. - i'm aware of the "right to bear arms" in the constitution, my
point is more what is the justification for the law at the moment,
rather that 230 years ago)

I am a supporter of the right to bear arms.The reason it was initally included by founding fathers and continues to this day is the notion that an unarmed populace has no power to fight against a govt who becomes over-reaching.No doubt that the downside to that is the crime that occurs as well as many gun deaths between family members etc.But the attacks here by the usual people against Jesse Jackson and others are unwarranted.I love the way they feel they can speak for MLK and how he would not approve of Jesse who was one of his proteges.Yes MLK had a dream until it was replaced by a bullet from James Earl Ray.
I am a supporter of the right to bear arms.The reason it was initally included by founding fathers and continues to this day is the notion that an unarmed populace has no power to fight against a govt who becomes over-reaching.No doubt that the downside to that is the crime that occurs as well as many gun deaths between family members etc.But the attacks here by the usual people against Jesse Jackson and others are unwarranted.I love the way they feel they can speak for MLK and how he would not approve of Jesse who was one of his proteges.Yes MLK had a dream until it was replaced by a bullet from James Earl Ray.

perhaps you should start to fight against your over-reaching govt. ?
As a non-american i just cannot understand the passionate
adoration of guns that many americans, including fellow freeones
members, appear to have
- it's just something that most brits & other europeans ( western
europeans at least) are unable to comprehend
why many americans feel defenseless without their gun and why,
despite having the highest murder rates & deaths by guns of anywhere
in the developed world, the idea of "gun control" is so objectionable
to them.
As an American, I can understand why Europeans are so dispassionate about their rights and freedoms. I can understand their admiration, adoration and blind servitude to the Leviathan State. :wave2:

(p.s. - i'm aware of the "right to bear arms" in the constitution, my
point is more what is the justification for the law at the moment,
rather that 230 years ago)
The same justification there is for the Right to Free Speech, Free Press, Religion, Unlawful Search and Seizure, Right to Speedy Trial, Right against Cruel and Unjust punishment etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Ad infinitum. Ad nauseum.

AAAARRRRGGGG!!! I am going to say this one more time very slowly so these people can understand me. Guns are a TOOL, nothing more, nothing less. If I went on some rampage and killed five people with a salad fork would you call for a ban on those too? Come on the tool can do nothing without the person using it. When was the last time you saw a hammer put up a sheet of drywall by itself?
The assault weapons ban was a joke. It had very little to do with the hardware of the guns and a lot to do with the "look" of them. A sniper attack is quite often far more effective than a hail of bullets.
The problem with these people always wanting to ban something "dangerous" is that they want to control what we do because they know better. Personal responsabilty for your own actions is a thing of the past because they can dictate your every move. Liberals and conservatives think they know better than anybody can know for themselves how to act. Hey polititions, KISS MY ASS! I can THINK and ACT on my own.

Sorry about the rant, but that is a topic that can piss me off.

dick van cock

Closed Account
The same justification there is for the Right to Free Speech, Free Press, Religion, Unlawful Search and Seizure, Right to Speedy Trial, Right against Cruel and Unjust punishment etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
Yet I'm still waiting for the right to possess nuclear arms, the right to show off your private parts in public, the right to desecrate graves, the right to burn the flag, the right to peddle dope etc. etc. etc.

... you call that "land of the free"?



Read The United States Constitution . . . That's Why

Just the usual reds wanting th' guns out of our hands ! Such a tired ol argument . . . ad nauseam .

As a non-american i just cannot understand the passionate
adoration of guns that many americans, including fellow freeones
members, appear to have
- it's just something that most brits & other europeans ( western
europeans at least) are unable to comprehend
why many americans feel defenseless without their gun and why,
despite having the highest murder rates & deaths by guns of anywhere
in the developed world, the idea of "gun control" is so objectionable
to them.

anyway, just my :2 cents: and opinion on this thread - i know it's
futile to try to "argue" for gun control on here

(p.s. - i'm aware of the "right to bear arms" in the constitution, my
point is more what is the justification for the law at the moment,
rather that 230 years ago)

I think people that grew up in places where it's restricted are used to the restrictions as are people who grew up without restrictions feel they should be legal. Eating with cutlery seems strange to Asians, and eating with chopsticks seems odd to Europeans. Both look for whatever skewed evidence to support what they've been trained to believe is right through their own particular brand of socialization, and therefore everyone else is wrong. Us and them. Because we are insecure, we must be right and they must be wrong. This permeates everything in our lives and holds us together in groups.

We should all be more tolerant. Large issues and small, even in our own "group", we look for reasons to bond for the security it seems to give. If 3 kids are playing, one is always the odd man out. When it involves big issues, we start wars.
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Yet I'm still waiting for the right to possess nuclear arms, the right show off your private parts in public, the right to desecrate graves, the right to burn the flag, the right to peddle dope etc. etc. etc.
Actually, we did have those rights (not exactly the nuclear one of course) - but cocaine and dope weren't illegal in the US until recently (compared to history).

The Right to Burn the Flag is still standing. The Flag Desecration Amendment didn't pass Senate vote.

There are many counties and States in the United States where there are no laws addressing the desecration of graves.

... you call that "land of the free"?
You have somewhere better in mind?

Or do you actually not consider "hate speech laws" and "positive discrimination" (for examples) to be anti-free?

On second though - Don't bother responding to that.
I'm not prepared to waste time on yet another bs US/EU sucks thread...


dick van cock

Closed Account
You have somewhere better in mind?

Or do you actually not consider "hate speech laws" and "positive discrimination" (for examples) to be anti-free?
I am simply a sheep that likes to delegate responsibility to the Leviathan.

If you insist on a (close to) perfect state ... take Sweden or Norway. :)
Well it Seems Jesse Jackson and some folks are planning on protesting some gun stores who I am sure are following all current firearms laws, otherwise theyed be shut down in a heartbeat.
Damn guns, when are they gonna stop killing people?
I remember when civil rights leaders "had a dream".
Now it seems they only "have a Scheme".

Heres 2 articles, the second one is pretty one sided. On the 2nd paragraph it says a guy was killed by an AK-47. Maybe someone should inform these people that AK-47s are already illegal in every state. So what exactly do these people want? Anybody?

Here is what the problem that these guys want to fix:

Stores dispute accusations
In a 2000 report, ATF officials said that nearly 40 percent of all weapons traced by the bureau originated from just 332 gun dealers nationwide. That means that less than 1 percent of the nation’s gun stores supply nearly half of all weapons traced in connection with a crime.

“When you see something like that, you either have somebody who is corrupt or have someone with bad business practices,” said Joseph Vince, a retired ATF agent and former chief of the bureau’s crime gun analysis branch.

Gun shop owners dispute that accusation. Some stores, they say, simply sell a lot of weapons. Others are victims of location: They operate in neighborhoods convenient to the highways smugglers use to run weapons from gun-friendly states to Northern cities.

Here is how I want fixed. I dont want guns taken away from lawful citizens what I do want is for gun fingerprinting and a law that states if you have an unregistered/illegal gun there is a manditory 15 year sentence. I think good gun owners would agree that since they are following the law to own the ability to kill another human being from a sometimes giant distance...That the privilege to do so should only be in the hands of people that can handle it. You wouldnt let everyone drive without making them pass some sort of test because they could kill someone....why would you let everyone have the ability to kill. I think gun owners are affraid that if they make it harder for criminals to have guns then they will start making it harder for good people to have them as well...I dont see that as being the case.


Closed Account
When I was 'swiffering" my 9mm this morning (its on my dresser so yes it gets swiffered daily) I was thinking the same thing. "We need more gun control." I said to myself.

Then I said.............":rolleyes:"



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I am not a gun enthusiast but I do support the second amendment of the constitution so I have mixed feelings about this issue. Those who are quick to refer to the constitution to defend gun ownership need to remember that it is also this group's constitutional right to stage the protest. My guess is that Jesse Jackson and his minions love the fact that the gun lobby gets so pissed about fact, that's how they make their living. Personally, I don't have a problem with someone pointing out that a disproportionate number of gun stores are responsible for a similarly disproportionate number of shootings. If this is indeed the case, something would certainly seem to be amiss. Why would anyone be against correcting this if true?

Other than that, if I were a gun enthusiast, I would probably simply ignore this. No matter what you are for, there will always be someone who is against you. It's just the way things are.

One side note that will probably piss people off but hey what the hell....a major pet peeve of mine is the constant mantra of the gun lobby that says "guns don't kill people, people kill people". While technically true, it certainly makes the situation a lot more conducive for someone to blow people away with a .357 magnum than it would be to use a fucking salad fork as TRW's analogy refers to in a prior post (and, before you rip my face off, I know you were just making a point). Murder statistics in countries with stricter gun control laws are considerably lower than in the U.S. and, although that is certainly not the only reason for this phenomenon, it most definitely has to figure into the equation.