
Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Guns aren't legal in my country, but I feel like I need one because I can't defend myself against anyone with one that well and I'm sick of people in vans swerving at me as I cross the road and nearly hitting me 'cos they've got small cocks & think it's funny.

They wouldn't do that if they were scared I'd start putting rounds into the back of their vehicle I bet.
Guns aren't legal in my country, but I feel like I need one because I can't defend myself against anyone with one that well and I'm sick of people in vans swerving at me as I cross the road and nearly hitting me 'cos they've got small cocks & think it's funny.

They wouldn't do that if they were scared I'd start putting rounds into the back of their vehicle I bet.

Or they might do it if a guy in the back had an Uzi, and was ready to swing the back doors of the van open at the driver's word...

Guns aren't legal in my country, but I feel like I need one because I can't defend myself against anyone with one that well and I'm sick of people in vans swerving at me as I cross the road and nearly hitting me 'cos they've got small cocks & think it's funny.

They wouldn't do that if they were scared I'd start putting rounds into the back of their vehicle I bet.

You are probably the reason that guns aren't allowed in your country..