Guitar Freaks Out There


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Ok. So, this is a serious minority interest post, but ........

And, yes - I know - it's not very musical. This is not the point. This is about mechanics and human performance. I've been playing 20 odd years, and no matter how many times i watch this, I can't spot a single error, cheat, sneaky slide .. nada.

Once you get to Take 3, then the WTF factor sets in. It's worth sticking with it to the end .. which actually defies belief.

That was tight, but as far as precision, speed and technique goes Micheal Angelo Batio and his ambidextrous shit is tops. But it all sounds like garbage.


Postal Paranoiac
Fast? It's in the strumming. That's where the illusion of speed comes from. He's moving his hand and fingers up and down the fretboard and staccato picking.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
He's too good. It's not even about song writing for him anymore. Or creativity, uniqueness etc. GuitarOne named him fastest guitarist ever. Too bad he couldn't write a hook to save his life.

That's so funny. I used to watch his instruction videos, inflame my tendinitis, shake my head, and Go - 'Why? Why would someone get so much talent and be able to do sooo little with it?"
That's so funny. I used to watch his instruction videos, inflame my tendinitis, shake my head, and Go - 'Why? Why would someone get so much talent and be able to do sooo little with it?"

Truth, but let me translate for our porn addicted brothers. It's like having the biggest dick, but not being able to fuck a girl with it. amirite?


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Fast? It's in the strumming. That's where the illusion of speed comes from. He's moving his hand and fingers up and down the fretboard and staccato picking.

Sorry, dude. No.

No 'strumming"
No staccato (maybe you mean legato)? = which it's not either

Most of this is mechanical speed alternate picking, combined with arpeggio string sweeps and skips.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I am no guitar freak, but I am a Guitarzan!
Ah, another newcomer.
Speed is about the worst measuring stick when it comes to guitarists...



AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Ah, another newcomer.
Speed is about the worst measuring stick when it comes to guitarists...


Who said it was being used as a measuring stick? In fact, the opening post (and other subsequent posts) makes it pretty clear it's not, as musicality is key here.

Read, old sage. And learn.