Ah, my drunken ramblings. Now they'll always be here for future generations of FreeOnes members to bump and annoy senior members.
Sadly that'll never happen.
Pornstar Vs Pornstar or
Who's Hotter? for example are the only threads that seem to get bumped for no reason on here. Fucking newbie bastards!

Just think of all the gold they're missing out on by overlooking threads like this. Maybe not
this. But other more stimulating threads, such as anything ever posted by poop-guy + others.
I shouldn't be so hard on the newbs. We were all newbs once. Except maleonetwo he's always been here and he always will be *cough*
slut *cough*. And we're all going to die. I'll leave you with that thought. Sweet dreams.
Ignore the latter part of my first post and this one all together, your intelligence will be severely diminished if you don't.