Grieving New Mexico safety hauled off plane, booked for baggy pants


Closed Account
I think its funny when I see guys wearing their pants too low... it started in prisons as a way of telling other inmates that the guy to advances. It means their a homosexual. Now its fine to be one, people are going to judge regardless... but showing the world your poo stained drawers is just nasty.

Sagging pants has little or absolutely NOTHING to do homosexuality.

Prisoners BELTS are taking away from them while they are in prison and if your pants weren't an exact fit they tended to sag. On the street it was a silly status symbol among thugs(ex cons) to let the other know that they had actually done time /lived the prison life(weren't used to wearing belts).

No matter how much fascination men like you and many others have for prison sex ,the homosexual angle isn't really true.

I think the sagging pants are very, very stupid(like the burka etc,..) ,but I don't base my opinion upon myths nor do I worry about how others dress much.

So you're thinking the utterance "motherfucker don't you know who I fucking am" came out at least once?

I saw his interview on CNN and he seemed to be a fairly well spoken and thoughtful guy(don't understand why he chooses to sag) and I doubt if he uttered those words.

Maybe only YOU are thinking he uttered those words and seem to have a wild imagination based upon how a man dresses/appearance?
So you can't discriminate on the basis of race, gender or sexual orientation....but you can discriminate on the basis of personal expression.

I swear; I'll never understand that.
So you can't discriminate on the basis of race, gender or sexual orientation....but you can discriminate on the basis of personal expression.

I swear; I'll never understand that.

Depends on the expression and in what form it's represented.

PETA for example has the right to express their beliefs by having super models stand around wearing fig leaves and lettuce (if that) all they want. However, if they wanted to board a plane like that airline operators could and most likely would object...and have perfect legal right to IMO.


Nice, like I wanna see this guy's pant legs all bundled up like an accordion. :facepalm:

I fucking hate accordions!

Hey, isn't there a bumper sticker pertaining to accordion hate?
Sorry, Buckwheat, yo good.... yo good.... no worries. :cool:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
This, for sure.

Quit being a fucking degenerate and pull your goddamn pants up. You play for the University of New Mexico - you're nobody.

No Shoes...
No Shirt...
No Baggy Pants...
No Service.

Maybe only YOU are thinking he uttered those words and seem to have a wild imagination based upon how a man dresses/appearance?

Probably more like now he's lawyered up for the cameras, and a potential lawsuit against the airline and they told him to shut up and say this for the interview.
He dress and appearance has nothing to do with it, it was his arrogance in not doing what he was asked to do. Not forcefully either, at first. There's been plenty of rude people on planes before him that weren't wearing similar clothing and were "removed" because they were being assholes.

If he or anyone else had started throwing trash around or taking a shit in the aisle they would have asked him to stop, the person says no, you're going to get in trouble. They asked him to pull up his pants, his arrogance got him in trouble. So most likely his arrogance made him blurt something as well. I'm just surprised there isn't a youtube video out there.
So you can't discriminate on the basis of race, gender or sexual orientation....but you can discriminate on the basis of personal expression.

I swear; I'll never understand that.

Personal expression is entirely irrelevant here. There is a dress code. Follow it, or don't fly. That's not discrimination.

I'd like to express myself by wearing a grenade belt. Should that be allowed?

How about if I'd like my wang to be hanging out? Appropriate?

I express myself best when I'm naked and covered in gravy. How dare you not allow me to be in public this way. You're "discriminating" against me because of how I express myself.

Sorry, grower_boy, this argument holds no water. They have a dress code. You AGREED to that when you bought the ticket. You can't agree to something, and then be angry when they enforce what you agreed to.


Closed Account
Probably more like now he's lawyered up for the cameras, and a potential lawsuit against the airline and they told him to shut up and say this for the interview.
He dress and appearance has nothing to do with it, it was his arrogance in not doing what he was asked to do. Not forcefully either, at first. There's been plenty of rude people on planes before him that weren't wearing similar clothing and were "removed" because they were being assholes.

If he or anyone else had started throwing trash around or taking a shit in the aisle they would have asked him to stop, the person says no, you're going to get in trouble. They asked him to pull up his pants, his arrogance got him in trouble. So most likely his arrogance made him blurt something as well. I'm just surprised there isn't a youtube video out there.

You really prove the flaws of a jury system when people like you already have their minds made up about a suspect just by looking at him:facepalm:

First you claim without no jusification that he surely uttered 'motherfucker do you know who I am?' , I assume based upon his looks?

When the guy gives a fairly articulate interview on CNN he must of have been 'told what to say'. If the guy was as big an arrogant thug as you claim the lawyer certainly would have spoken for him and not allow him to go on NATIONAL TV and speak for himself. Going on CNN doesn't sound like telling your client to shut up.

I see fat Mothers with open mid drift shirts and see stretch marks, cellulite(jelly belly), C Section scars and all:eeew:.

Should they be subject to some random airline employee who doesn't like the look as well? Obviously the guy has flown before with no problem and was wondering why this one employee had a problem with him.

He wasn't throwing trash, bothering other pasengers nor taking a shit in the aisles as you say. I hope the other passengers thought it was worth it to have their flight delayed half an hour because some employee didn't like how another passenger dressed(Who was sitting down so his sagging wasn't noticeable to the rest of the passengers).

And they wonder why Airlines are struggling.
You really prove the flaws of a jury system when people like you already have their minds made up about a suspect just by looking at him:facepalm:

First you claim without no jusification that he surely uttered 'motherfucker do you know who I am?' , I assume based upon his looks?

When the guy gives a fairly articulate interview on CNN he must of have been 'told what to say'. If the guy was as big an arrogant thug as you claim the lawyer certainly would have spoken for him and not allow him to go on NATIONAL TV and speak for himself. Going on CNN doesn't sound like telling your client to shut up.

I see fat Mothers with open mid drift shirts and see stretch marks, cellulite(jelly belly), C Section scars and all:eeew:.

Should they be subject to some random airline employee who doesn't like the look as well? Obviously the guy has flown before with no problem and was wondering why this one employee had a problem with him.

He wasn't throwing trash, bothering other pasengers nor taking a shit in the aisles as you say. I hope the other passengers thought it was worth it to have their flight delayed half an hour because some employee didn't like how another passenger dressed(Who was sitting down so his sagging wasn't noticeable to the rest of the passengers).

And they wonder why Airlines are struggling.

It was a judgment call on the part of the TSA...I agree with them not because I think the guy was an idiot for not complying but they actually do have grounds.

We take our shoes off and have them checked as a result of the shoe guy and now they are looking at precautions regarding what happened with the underwear guy.

I don't have any problem with what happened....It would almost be like if there were some stupid 'fashion' statement where people had wicks dangling from their shoes and refused to remove them upon request by the TSA.

Point of it all is, he's a guest on the airlines (or was trying to be)..albeit a paying guest but a guest nonetheless. Why not act like it and comply with reasonable requests???

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Perhaps we tried to block it from our collective memories, but this is incredibly relevant.



Torn & Frayed.
Sagging pants has little or absolutely NOTHING to do homosexuality.

Prisoners BELTS are taking away from them while they are in prison and if your pants weren't an exact fit they tended to sag. On the street it was a silly status symbol among thugs(ex cons) to let the other know that they had actually done time /lived the prison life(weren't used to wearing belts).

+1 for the truth.