Greatest Comedian of all time

Lenny Bruce was a legend for his colorful use of the english language

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Mitch Hedberg was my favorite.
"I saw this wino, he was eating grapes, and I was like, "Dude, you have to wait!"
Lenny Bruce. A lot of the other picks would be selling insurance if he hadn't paved the way. And put up with a lot of crap in doing so.


I have a few Rikki Fulton (an old blast from the past , best remembered for Scotch & Wry) , Billy Connolly (not as funny as he was ,in his prime though he was the best) , Eddie Murphy (Raw & Delirious were side achingly funny when I seen them 1st time) , Stephen Lynch (Only recently discovered him lately , where have I been?) , Frankie Boyle (The funniest & best comedian about right now) & Jimmy Carr (King of the put downs) these are my favourites , I can remember right now but there are more I like :thumbsup:
Never heard about any of them, except Chris Rock and, from what I've seen, he CANNOT be the best (but he may be the worst).
You say Norm Mcdonald I say Artie Lange. Dirty Work! Too bad beer legue tanked! Eddie Murphy was probably too one of the best but thats we he actually tries.
Richard Pryor is the greatest comedian of all time. He did it all and he was the best at everything he did. Stand up, movies, TV, albums.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Mitch Hedberg is my personal favorite. I have all three CDs and could probably recite them from memory. My favorite:

"Mr. Pibb is replica of Dr. Pepper, but it's a bull shit replica cause dude didn't even get his degree. Why'd he have to drop out and start making pop so soon? The commercial for Diet Dr. Pepper says it tastes just like regular Dr. Pepper. Well then they fucked up!"
I would not call him the greatest but he is a comedian.

In what way at all? he is a hack. and he probably has the hackiest jokes. He is not funny one bit. Comedian my ass. Keith Olbermann's a bigger comedian than him and Bill Maher is a good comedian too. Bill O'reilley lol.
Spike Milligan was a comedian to whom many later great ones admit a great debt because of his ground breaking humour. In turn he was probably influenced by Chic Murray.
"Visiting London, Chic was asked by a stranger, "Do you know the Battersea dog's home?". He replied, "I didn't even know it was away."