Actually I've changed my mind. you must be an idiot. You moan about all that is wrong with so-called 'broken Britain' but start your post "I swear if I were voting this year, Id be voting BNP." You're not going to vote?!? Don't bang on about the state of the nation if you are not going to be part of the political process!I don't know your posts around the board. . .
Actually I've changed my mind. you must be an idiot. You moan about all that is wrong with so-called 'broken Britain' but start your post "I swear if I were voting this year, Id be voting BNP." You're not going to vote?!? Don't bang on about the state of the nation if you are not going to be part of the political process!
V wasn't a racist.
You complain about all that is wrong with the country & then say you are not voting because of lack of interest? Whether I agree with your views or not I would surmise from that initial post that you are interested! You sir make no sense.I am not voting because of a simple lack of interest, given that Ive moved, Im not able to get back in time to where I am registered to vote. Oh Im sure there are other means of getting it in, but I have enough things on my plate to deal with at the moment that are slightly more pressing than the next idiot running the country.
There are things wrong with Britain but this country is NOT in a state of decay. Please give me a specific example of these asylum seeking baby factories.My lack of interest is in the political procedure, we have three idiots each saying how they can fix everything etc, but lets face it, they won't. If I thought my active voting could change anything, I would, you think I enjoy living in a country like this?
How can you not be interested in the state of decay the country lies in, you cant miss whats in front of your face. I lost my job because of the recession, I have to walk passed the lowest of the low in the street, i have to push passed them to get to the job centre.
I am frustrated though personal experience, not because of what some cushy suit, meeting his mortgage payments news twats say on tv. I am progressively becoming more of a racist in my old age, Im not proud of it, show me fairness?
I struggle to make ends meet and yet some asylum seeking baby factory washes on the shore and they have a free house, money enough to afford all the luxuries of the day, yet I ask for help and what do I get? I get told if I dont have a job in X amount of time the little help I do get gets taken away and Im left wondering how I am supposed to meet payments.
Am I suppose to smile and plod along with it? Well sir I am trying! You know what, its not easy and its sure as hell not a fun ride.
There are things wrong with Britain but this country is NOT in a state of decay. Please give me a specific example of these asylum seeking baby factories.
Again, if you don't at least try to engage in the political system in some way then sorry, quit your moaning & stop blaming immigrants for your misfortune!
I am not voting because of a simple lack of interest, given that Ive moved, Im not able to get back in time to where I am registered to vote. Oh Im sure there are other means of getting it in, but I have enough things on my plate to deal with at the moment that are slightly more pressing than the next idiot running the country.
No far from it, I just don't lay the blame at the door of easy targets amplified by media hysteria in an effort to sell more papers.You must be doing okay for yourself then? Nothing to worry about, no money problems to get you down, nice stress free daily life eh?
My lack of interest is in the political procedure, we have three idiots each saying how they can fix everything etc, but lets face it, they won't. If I thought my active voting could change anything, I would, you think I enjoy living in a country like this?
How can you not be interested in the state of decay the country lies in, you cant miss whats in front of your face. I lost my job because of the recession, I have to walk passed the lowest of the low in the street, i have to push passed them to get to the job centre.
I am frustrated though personal experience, not because of what some cushy suit, meeting his mortgage payments news twats say on tv. I am progressively becoming more of a racist in my old age, Im not proud of it, show me fairness?
I struggle to make ends meet and yet some asylum seeking baby factory washes on the shore and they have a free house, money enough to afford all the luxuries of the day, yet I ask for help and what do I get? I get told if I dont have a job in X amount of time the little help I do get gets taken away and Im left wondering how I am supposed to meet payments.
Am I suppose to smile and plod along with it? Well sir I am trying! You know what, its not easy and its sure as hell not a fun ride.
I swear if I were voting this year, Id be voting BNP. Immigration is a major problem in this country and they are the only political group with the balls to actually say what we ALL are thinking.
All these white collar politicians wanna do is pretend to acknowledge the problem, say they will do what they can, which amounts to fuck all in the grand scheme of things and things get worse!
The UK puts on a face of racial tolerance, we take all comers and have plenty of space to go around etc etc. False! Every person who has the right to be here is fucking sick of it.
Compensation nation, a country of chavs and neds, teenage mothers and obese kids, and elderly population we dont take care of, war veterans treated with all the dignity of a used sanitary towel and an increasing population of benefit theiving scum that come to our shores and get everything handed to them.
Right now I am in a position of no work and looking to basically re start a new life in a new place, what help do I get? Barely enough to get by, I have a UK passport, I am a british citizen, but no! Had I floated into this country on my fucking front door I'd get a house, money and so much bloody help Id never need look for work, no questions asked.
Just because some woman has the balls to say what everyone is thinking, he has no right to call her bigoted. His bullshit apology means nothing, the only reason he is making it is because he got caught and he wants to look good to the voters.
Wake up Gordon Brown, you are fucked!
Gordon Brown is a dick head because of what he said about what she said,