GOP In Grave Danger Of Losing House In 2014, PPP Polls Show



Shutting down the government may end up costing Republicans control of the House of Representatives.

A series of polls released Sunday show just how damaging the shutdown has been for the GOP. The liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling compiled two dozen surveys, commissioned and paid for by Political Action, from House districts around the country, taken from Oct. 2 through Oct. 4. Sample sizes were between 600 and 700 voters in each district.

For Democrats to win a House majority, 17 seats would need to switch to their party's favor. Results show that would be within reach, as Republican incumbents are behind in 17 of the districts analyzed: CA-31, CO-06, FL-02, FL-10, FL-13, IA-03, IA-04, IL-13, KY-06, MI-01, MI-07, MI-11, NY-19, OH-14, PA-07, PA-08, WI-07. In four districts, the incumbent Republican fell behind after respondents were told their representative supported the government shutdown: CA-10, NY-11, NY-23, VA-02. Three districts saw GOP incumbents maintain their hold over their Democratic challengers, even after hearing their elected officials' views on the shutdown, including CA-21, NV-03 and OH-06.

Back in 2012, Democrats picked up eight seats in the House, closing the gap of Republican control to 234-201.

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That's what they said in 1996. I think it is time you have a little lesson in politics 101 son. No lame duck president picks up seats during the mid term of his second term. Secondly, and HuffingtonPost aren't exactly prognostication stalwarts. Now that we have that out of the way, for all the whining that you did everytime Sammy posted a link to articles favorable to the GOP you are constantly stroking yourself here to the point that you actually make him look like George Will. God are you so fucking stupid that you don't even realize that you are every bit the partisan hack that he is?


That's what they said in 1996. I think it is time you have a little lesson in politics 101 son. No lame duck president picks up seats during the mid term of his second term. Secondly, and HuffingtonPost aren't exactly prognostication stalwarts. Now that we have that out of the way, for all the whining that you did everytime Sammy posted a link to articles favorable to the GOP you are constantly stroking yourself here to the point that you actually make him look like George Will. God are you so fucking stupid that you don't even realize that you are every bit the partisan hack that he is?

First of all, dipshit, this is from Public Policy Polling. If you had read the text, or the title for that matter, you'd see that. That earns you Sampon-points.

Second, if there's ever a paradigm-shattering crowd that can do the "impossible", it's the current crop of imbeciles that share the same Party affiliation that you do.

Third, I didn't whine at Sam. I laughed at Sam. Hillbillies like him (and more and more make me feel like my self-superior attitude is completely justified. Sam posted cartoons, altered images and bullshit. I'm sorry that the content of this article isn't too your liking, but you stamping your feet and holding your breath is exactly what we have come to expect from the GOP/TP of today. In his life, Reagan didn't snivell as much as you guys do in a week.

Fourth, was I a partisan hack when I supported the Republican Party just as stridently as I do the Democrats now? Or was that different?

I suggest you sit down with yourself on a frequent basis and remember what you thought the day before the election, the morning of the election....and what happened on election night. All I did was post an article that I thought was interesting and relevant. Sorry that doesn't involve Miley Cyrus. I can see that's more to your liking these days (7 replies on page 2 alone....Jeebus!).

Someone else posted in the last couple of days that if anyone is filling the void left by the esteemed Sammwich, it's you. And there is general agreement on this point. And with Fisher-like stealth and efficiency, now you try to deflect onto someone else. But if your vanquished Sith Lord master couldn't pull it off, what makes you thing the stumbling-over-his-own-feet apprentice can?
although PPP is a extremely liberal biased company there is fact that independents are pissed at the Republicans and this shut down is just the Republicans cutting their own throat


Official Checked Star Member
you can't convince them that anything they do is bad. Marco Rubio, the party golden boy and 2016 hopeful, said in a speech he gave a few months ago that the change they need to make in the party is "Nothing." in other words, they think their message and their strategy and their position is still valid. They dont see it as outdated at all. they dont believe in science. they dont believe in facts. they dont believe in progression in society. they don't believe in free will or people with different beliefs or views.

so please, tell me how you can convince these tunnel visioned bastards that something is their fault? Impossible. So I say we let them cut off their noses to spite their face. fuck em. we'll be laughing after the next elections and they'll be whining and throwing tantrums and Karl Rove will storm off another tv show.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I had the misfortune of listening to a segment on Fox News featuring Jason Mattera, a "young conservative firebrand" that illustrates exactly what's wrong with the Tea Party GOP.

Mattera, a spokesperson for Young America’s Foundation who has repeatedly blocked Campus Progress reporters from covering YAF’s annual conference, seemed to think that today’s young conservatives should learn this supposed lesson from the story of David. He exhorted a roomful of high school and college students at the “Turning the Tide in Your Generation” panel to take political disagreements personally and unapologetically and make life miserable for perceived enemies. “I take pride in my conservative and Christian beliefs,” he said. “When you come against those beliefs, it’s like you’re coming against me as a person.”

I don't take science personally. It is what it is, based on empirical evidence and subject to change as new facts and information comes available. The political right in this country are caught up in that deadly sin of pride and it makes them exceedingly difficult to deal with.
Mayhem did you pick that name after an insurance commercial? Or did you choose it because you secretly lust over Tommy Lee's body art. Now let's get one fucking thing straight asscracker. I don't like you. You bring nothing to this board but a johnny bad ass attitude and by your own admission you are some portly uneducated poker dealer who probably won't even have a nest egg to retire on except for a measley Social Security check if you're lucky. You have no sense of humor and not once have you posted anything conciliatory with respect to political views. I however have made many comments disagreeing with Republicans on many occasions and you continue to bury that empty noggin of yours and keep plowing ahead with your nonsensical diatribe. So yeah you are a fucking brainless hack and the GOP is better off without you. What have you ever contributed to this board other than Duh Republicans bad ,Democrats good! If anybody is filling a void around here it's you. You make HELLRAISER look magna cum laude. So run along back to your little loft apartment and play your Xbox live and leave the debate to people that actually discuss opposing views with some degree of intelligence because you are obviously way over your head in any serious political discussion here. Or you can go entertain yourself on some gun nut board where you can explain why a pansy ass liberal like yourself loves his firearms because you are just a pathetic scared little man and you need a weapon to carry your balls around for you. Got it Trixie?


Staff member
you can't convince them that anything they do is bad. Marco Rubio, the party golden boy and 2016 hopeful, said in a speech he gave a few months ago that the change they need to make in the party is "Nothing." in other words, they think their message and their strategy and their position is still valid. They dont see it as outdated at all. they dont believe in science. they dont believe in facts. they dont believe in progression in society. they don't believe in free will or people with different beliefs or views.

so please, tell me how you can convince these tunnel visioned bastards that something is their fault? Impossible. So I say we let them cut off their noses to spite their face. fuck em. we'll be laughing after the next elections and they'll be whining and throwing tantrums and Karl Rove will storm off another tv show.
Because Obama's strategy you think is valid and real? Increasing the deficit in order to make a social security and healthcare that will benefit the lazy and the unwilling to work pieces of shit, should never be implemented. Obama has cut several defense budgets since he was elected, so I think that is legitimate that the Republicans take their own revenge by axing his social budgets. Of course Republicans believe in progression but not in leeching and living at the expenses and the costs of the other law abiding citizens revenues and taxes. A lot of people believe in hard workers, 2nd amendment defenders and patriots but certainly not in people who are for an irresponsible liberalization of drugs, gay marriage or people living at the expense of others. About religion, it is up to the person. Let's screw Obama and his bunch of community organizers friends like Farrakhan, Fareed Zakariah, Oprah, Fareed Zakariah, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all the tv hosts and celebs supporting this douche. We will laugh, when the Obummers will get shafted at the mid term elections.
Because Obama's strategy you think is valid and real? Increasing the deficit in order to make a social security and healthcare that will benefit the lazy and the unwilling to work pieces of shit, should never be implemented. Obama has cut several defense budgets since he was elected, so I think that is legitimate that the Republicans take their own revenge by axing his social budgets. Of course Republicans believe in progression but not in leeching and living at the expenses and the costs of the other law abiding citizens revenues and taxes. A lot of people believe in hard workers, 2nd amendment defenders and patriots but certainly not in people who are for an irresponsible liberalization of drugs, gay marriage or people living at the expense of others. About religion, it is up to the person. Let's screw Obama and his bunch of community organizers friends like Farrakhan, Fareed Zakariah, Oprah, Fareed Zakariah, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all the tv hosts and celebs supporting this douche. We will laugh, when the Obummers will get shafted at the mid term elections.

the conservative God Ronald Reagan tripled the Social Security tax to make sure it would be well funded and survive for the people ,so before you start going off of that is a liberal hand me down, think about who made sure its still there jackass
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Mayhem did you pick that name after an insurance commercial? Or did you choose it because you secretly lust over Tommy Lee's body art. Now let's get one fucking thing straight asscracker. I don't like you. You bring nothing to this board but a johnny bad ass attitude and by your own admission you are some portly uneducated poker dealer who probably won't even have a nest egg to retire on except for a measley Social Security check if you're lucky. You have no sense of humor and not once have you posted anything conciliatory with respect to political views. I however have made many comments disagreeing with Republicans on many occasions and you continue to bury that empty noggin of yours and keep plowing ahead with your nonsensical diatribe. So yeah you are a fucking brainless hack and the GOP is better off without you. What have you ever contributed to this board other than Duh Republicans bad ,Democrats good! If anybody is filling a void around here it's you. You make HELLRAISER look magna cum laude. So run along back to your little loft apartment and play your Xbox live and leave the debate to people that actually discuss opposing views with some degree of intelligence because you are obviously way over your head in any serious political discussion here. Or you can go entertain yourself on some gun nut board where you can explain why a pansy ass liberal like yourself loves his firearms because you are just a pathetic scared little man and you need a weapon to carry your balls around for you. Got it Trixie?

Little man, look in the fuckin' mirror. I don't know what your problem has been lately but be very clear, it's your problem, not anyone else's.

And you have completely stepped over the border into Sampon-Land. Make sure to buy a t-shirt, but no need to hurry. I have a feeling you're going to be there for a while. And the main void that has been filled is I now have someone else to laugh at. Keep knocking my job. I know who I am, what I do and why. But a lawyer, a member of the Bar, posting what you post. Priceless. This latest little tantrum is why passersby will wonder what the shit-eating grin I'm wearing is all about.

And while you're ginning up another response, please point to one sentence in your last post that isn't vintage Sam Fisher.
Look fuckface the truth is that you had a man crush on Sammy. When have you ever engaged in discussion that the majority of your post wasn't some article that you copied and pasted and actually included an original thought? And you come stomping into most threads that you are in disagreement with thinking if you yell real loud that it somehow makes your point more valid. And another thing shitforbrains I don't have to behave on this board as I do in my office or in front of a judge. Oh please tell us again how we mvst earn your respect or your little shit eating grin that means so much coming from a twat like yov that has to kiss the ass of wealthy Republicans while you are dealing them cards hoping they will toss you a token. No wonder you are a frustrated little fuck that comes here to vent.


Vent? Again, look in the mirror. And you may want to tie down your keyboard. It seems to be getting away from you.
News just in:

Liberal leaning researchers produce results that favour the liberals.
That said, at least he mentioned and acknowledged the bias right up front. Can't fault that.


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Poll: Republicans' Handling Of Shutdown Increasingly Unpopular

The government shutdown isn't winning anyone in Washington points with the public -- but Republicans are faring the worst, according to new polls.

A Washington Post/ABC poll released Monday found that while the public's ratings for the president and both parties in Congress remain negative, disapproval of Republicans has grown in the past week. Seventy percent of Americans now disapprove of how Republicans in Congress are handling budget negotiations, up from 63 percent last week.

A Pew Research poll also released Monday found that 38 percent of Americans blame Republicans more for the shutdown, while 30 percent blame Obama, and 19 percent blame both sides.

A third poll by CNN/ORC found that majorities of Americans are angry at everyone involved with the shutdown: Sixty-three percent say they're angry at Republicans, 57 percent say they're angry at Democrats, and 53 percent say they're angry at Obama.

The ongoing shutdown has done nothing to improve the parties' opinions of each other. According to the ABC/Post poll, just 10 percent of Republicans approve of either Obama's or Democrats' approach toward the negotiation. Only 8 percent of Democrats approve of the Republicans in Congress, the poll found.

Neither party is entirely coalescing around its own politicians, either. Only 52 percent of Republicans approve of their own party's work in Congress. Democrats give their party slightly better marks, with 77 percent approving of the president's work on the budget, and 62 percent approving of Democrats in Congress.

"The wide unpopularity of Republicans in Congress in budget talks is in large part due to a schism within Republicans themselves," the Post's Scott Clement and Peyton M. Craighill write. "By 59 to 39 percent, conservative Republicans approve of the way their party’s members of Congress have handled budget negotiations in combined interviews over two weeks. But Republicans who identify as moderate or liberal split narrowly: 44 percent approval to 49 percent disapproval."

Republicans who identify as "very conservative" are even more in favor of the GOP's current approach, with 68 percent approving, according to the ABC/Post poll.

Few Americans on either side of the aisle, however, want to see their party compromise. In the Pew Research poll, 77 percent of Republicans, but just 18 percent of Democrats, said that Obama should agree to a deal that includes changes to his health care law. In contrast, 75 percent of Democrats and only 14 percent of Republicans said that GOP lawmakers should agree to a deal that makes no changes to the health care law.

The Post/ABC poll surveyed 1,005 adults between Oct. 2 and Oct. 6. The Pew Research poll surveyed 1,000 adults between Oct. 3 and Oct. 6, while the CNN/ORC poll surveyed 1,009 adults on the same dates. All three used live telephone interviews.

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CNN Shutdown Poll: Plenty of blame to go around

Most Americans say the government shutdown is causing a crisis or major problems for the country, according to a new national poll.

And while a CNN/ORC International survey also indicates that slightly more people are angry at Republicans than Democrats or President Barack Obama for the shutdown, it is clear that both sides are taking a hit.

The poll, conducted over the weekend, was released on Monday, nearly one week into the partial shutdown over a push by tea party backed GOP lawmakers trying to dismantle or defund Obama's signature health care reform law.

According to the poll, 63% of those questioned say they are angry at the Republicans for the way they have handled the shutdown.

"But the Democrats are not getting off scot-free. Fifty-seven percent of Americans are also angry at the way the Democrats are dealing with the shutdown. And a 53% majority say they are also angry at President Obama," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "It looks like there is more than enough blame to go around and both parties are being hurt by the shutdown."

The CNN poll results are similar to those from a new Pew Research Center poll also released Monday and surveys from Gallup and CBS News/New York Times surveys conducted last week, which indicate slightly more people blaming - or angry at - Republicans than Democrats or the president for the shutdown.

Not surprisingly, huge majorities of Democrats are angry at the Republicans, and huge majorities of Republicans are angry at Obama and Democrats. Independents are equally angry at all sides, with 59% of Independents very or somewhat angry at the Democrats, six in 10 angry at the GOP, and 58% angry at Obama.

The poll indicates that 18% of the public says the shutdown is a crisis and an additional 49% say the shutdown has caused major problems.

"That's a higher level of worry than in November 1995, when the government shut down because the Democrats, led by President Bill Clinton, and the Republicans, led by House Speaker Newt Gingrich, could not agree on funding. In 1995, 12% felt the shutdown at that time was causing a crisis and 44% thought it was a major problem," adds Holland.

The two-thirds who say the shutdown is causing a crisis or major problems is similar to the seven in 10 who said the same thing in the Gallup poll.

According to the CNN survey, Democrats are most concerned about the shutdown, although a majority of Independents and Republicans also say the shutdown is causing a crisis or a major problem.

There's also a gender gap, with three-quarters of women but only 57% of men saying the shutdown has caused a crisis or major problems.

Some 800,000 federal workers have been furloughed due to the shutdown, with many government services and agencies are closed, suspended.

The CNN poll was conducted October 3-6 by ORC International, with 1,009 adults nationwide questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.

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After going back and reading some of my posts I can see that. I wish it was that easy. Just a lot going on in my life right now. Sorry that politics brings out the flaming dickhead in me.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The TEA Party faction of the GOP is the best friend the Dems have. Watching these goofs is like watching Wile E. Coyote forge a plan to catch the Roadrunner with one of his homemade rocket-bombs... with him strapped on top.

TEA Party = :facepalm: