Goosebumpy Boobs


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I was wondering if anyone else found cold boobs strangely erotic?

Here's 2 of my favourite galleries both of Raylene Richards:

I don't really know why I like them, apart from the fact they are cracking boobs.

Anyone have any other cold boob galleries or thoughts on the subject? :boobies:

Wow, that's a fetish that'd be hard to cater to.

You live in Alaska, kid? Maine? I can see how it'd be easy to find yourself addicted to such things, there.

But, eh.. hmm. I like nipples when they're cold or hot. Scrunched up or wide, respectively. That's one of my weaknesses..

Uniquesexygirls and JustNips DOTcom appeal to many of my interests and MORE, gladly. Best of luck with yours! ;)
Well I guess it's just me that likes cold boobs then. Maybe I should bring it to the mainstream then more people would see it and like it. I could start a new fetish.

If anyone wants me I'll be touring the world looking for beautiful women, putting them in a freezer for 5 mins then taking pictures of their boobs.

Unless some women on here want to save me the plane tickets? Any offers?
What was the film again? 'You're my boy blue!!'

I think your thinking od 'Old School'

The funny think is, I look exactly like this guy:

I love it when girls have perky nipples when it's cold! Every time I see one I want to play with her nipples. :D