Google & Yahoo . . Take a hike !


Every time you use a regular search engine, your search data are recorded.
Your search terms, the time of your visit, the links you choose, your IP address and your User ID cookies all get stored in a database.

The identity profiles that can be constructed from this cloud of information represent modern day gold for marketers.
But government officials, hackers and even criminals also have an interest in getting their hands on your personal search data.
And sooner or later they will...

Enter ixquick

ø :nono: Nosey Search Engines :nono: ø


Postal Paranoiac
This is actually eye-opening stuff. Just like advertisers and others having your mailing address.
Privacy, Privacy, Privacy........

Surly if your not searching for anything illegal, why should you care if its being stored?

Oh right because of the Government or the hackers or the marketers . . .

Yeah, I dont really care :dunno: But if you do care by all means use this site :hatsoff:

:bowdown: Google :bowdown:
Data retention times of major search engines:

Google - 9 months
Yahoo - 3 months
MSN - 18 months
AOL - 13 months
Ask - No Data Retention case you were curious.
I don't care if they can improve the results in my hopeless search of she-males I'm fine with it. Its nothing new most sites use those information to improve their userbase advertising.

What i don't get is how they know that I'm interested in penis enlarging and Viagra offers. I don't search for it but still they send me offers hard to resist.

Is big brother watching inside pants?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I thought this was common knowledge...:dunno:

There was a case a few years back where a man was convicted of murdering his wife, only after his Google search results were provided as evidence. He searched for how to dispose of a body and an area to dump it in.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
fuck google. im really getting sick of it.

I like the company, the hidden features, google earth.. image search and gMail. But the search engine? Not s'much.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
So.... I better stop using google to find pics of Chef naked, huh?

Dude, just ask chef for them. He's two seconds away from being a campy camwhore with nipple tassels. I dunno whether that's tasty or cause to run'n'hide. I'll decide when the time comes. heh
Almost (if not every) Internet website records your IP Address....

But for the rest, I think it's common knowledge to know that
I don't see the big deal about this phone companies etc are doing the same thing. Its not your leet IP address but they do know who you are calling when and from which location.

And "de alberthein" ( grocery shop in Holland ) was doing do the same thing with their bonus card ( you get a discount bla bla ).

There are more examples worse then Google lets not even start about RFID technology you know what this is going to lead to.