I would post more here, but I feel like the board is run by nazis. You can't do this, you can't do that? Why are you doing this? Please don't do that? WTF?? Their lucky anyone even cares enough to make a post.
I am not even sure how to post imges, and at this point, I would not even try for fear of being rebuked and chastised.
I really have no special links. Much of what I have is my own and saved in my hard drive. I knew about Sochee a year ago. She speaks with a lisp, and is a really bad actor. Her photos are better than her movies. It reminds me of one more thing I do not like about the business and how women like Chasey Lain got by with her looks a long time ago - not her acting ability.
You know the phony, contrived, adult movies they make today. Line for line, move for move, identical. Totally predictable.
To address some of the questions here:
To enjoy this tpe of woman is no different than a guy who only likes blondes with large tits. It is very natural and healthy to have long, thick hair too. For women this is an overal sign of very good health. It is only the drug-addicted, preaged looking, whitish, frail, brittle hair, that you so often see in porn or Hollyweird, that is actually unhealthy.
You are being connected (via your brain) and most likely froma primal gene passed to you by your ancestors, to be attracted to a physical trait that denotes overall excellent health in a woman. Simple as that.
Now a fetish - as much as hate the word, is quiet different, and it basically is a fascination to an object, either alive or inanimate that is required for sexual gradification. Some people have this to what Frued called: 3'rd stage fetishism. For instance, they only like hair so much, they do not even care if a person is attached to it? Just as long as it is something they can feel and hold.
To like hair on any part of the body, and as a sexual attractant is something along the lines of: stage 1fetishism. It is not necessary for you, to have intercourse, but it is just something that you may strongly prefer. This is were I live.
This is good for woman, and good for men, who are looking for a mate to provide the best chances of healthy offspring also. Something many people often forget.
As far as Alexis, I have a few older pics - that are not from the famous "pool scene." But the quality is not that good. Her arms are what I would call average. I have a few sets from public websites that would make her arms look like they were bare. And these are all BEAUTIFUL women too. That's the ticket for me. The woman has to be fit, and very pretty also. I love pretty eyes and a nice exotic face. I like petite women too. Not really atracted to red heads. They are very rare, naturally.
Is anyone here a mamber of "girlswithhairyarms.net"