good couples porn

So my wife wants some good couples porn. she wants something with atmoshpere, character devolpment and a plot. she is not worried about hot guys but more so on romance.
Any advice on titles would great!!!!


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
does not exist; not even in the 'let's pretend I'm not just servicing your lust for young tail to keep you' world or PornFidelity.

Just play what you like. Either you get a nice surprise, or else you end up watching Twilight and/or Sex in the City DVDs for the rest of your natural life.

Either way, you have an answer .......
So my wife wants some good couples porn. she wants something with atmoshpere, character devolpment and a plot. she is not worried about hot guys but more so on romance.
Any advice on titles would great!!!!

Maybe she would like historical epics like the Roma trilogy?
So my wife wants some good couples porn. she wants something with atmoshpere, character devolpment and a plot. she is not worried about hot guys but more so on romance.
Any advice on titles would great!!!!

My girl and I watch a lot of retro 70s porn etc together. Its tacky but its still arousing and the actors and actresses are just normal looking, non surgically enhanced women who did nothing more than a splash of normal makeup.

I think for the woman it helps since they dont have the thought of trying to compete with the surgically enhanced professional models.
My girl and I watch a lot of retro 70s porn etc together. Its tacky but its still arousing and the actors and actresses are just normal looking, non surgically enhanced women who did nothing more than a splash of normal makeup.

I think for the woman it helps since they dont have the thought of trying to compete with the surgically enhanced professional models.

we been trying those out too. We just seem to have bad luck of getting lame ones that do nothing for either of us.
One movie she liked was the "Opening of Misty Beethoven" so maybe som reccommenedations in that vein would be helpful!
we been trying those out too. We just seem to have bad luck of getting lame ones that do nothing for either of us.
One movie she liked was the "Opening of Misty Beethoven" so maybe som reccommenedations in that vein would be helpful!

Normally we go to a straeming site, pop in "vintage" or "retro" into the search parameters and look for something suitable. Shes not partial to anything heavy on the girl-girl or that is all anal focussed, granted some have slipped in but by that point weve left it playing while we have our own fun.

Its a bit of a guilty admission for her to admit she does enjoy it, but Im a believer that even women can and shoud enjoy porn, even in a healthy relationship.
I don't know what to advise you to get today. It might be better to watch some of the best stuff from the 80s to early to maybe mid 90s. It was when porn was the best anyhow. It had better production quality than in the 70s, the women still seemed more like women than mindless sex dolls, and it hadn't devolve as far into the stupidity and circus acts that happens in most porn today yet.
There is indeed an extremely small corner of non-amateur couples porn (*krhm* Lelu Love's videos *krhm*) where the way people have sex, the mood and intimacy in it actually somewhat resembles something that might happen in real relationships, but.. a full-length porn movie with solid character development and actual, well-written plot? Something that would compare in any way to a really good book or a good non-porn movie?

Forget it. Doesn't exist. It's useless and hopeless to even try to request any porn site for something like this. They don't have anyone capable of writing anything better than they already do. Amateurs on the other hand do not have the production facilities that it would require.

When you take away the plot and character development requirements: vivthomas, joymii and x-art might have something that would pass as a couples-friendly porn movie.

Edit: Hmm. Some retro porn as well, but I can't remember any at the moment. That's actually something that I should look into further. I haven't watched those nearly as much as I should have.