Goldberg's shoulders

guys, what do you think of Bill Goldberg's shoulders? does he deliberately tense them up or just naturally relaxed?

Definitly tensed up in that pic. If you see images of him after the matches his traps are still that big, but they're not so deep.


Member, you member...
I used to like shrugs.
He's tensed in that pic for sure, but he's a big boy with the genes to produce those muscles.


You need to do a lot more than shrugs and I don't mean just exercises to look like that.

(I don't even know what a "Goldberg" is.)
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A thread on Goldberg's shoulders...

lmfao :rofl2: :rofl:


Just the ideas for threads get weirder lol

guys, what do you think of Bill Goldberg's shoulders? does he deliberately tense them up or just naturally relaxed?

Not being a smart-ass, but are you a fan or just curious. I ask because i am a huge Goldberg fan as well as my kids, he got me back into watching wrestling in 1998 and have loved him ever since. That is a BIG boy by my standards.
that guy's shoulders are huge. no wonder he'd lay people out with that spear!

he's kind of a crappy wrestler though.
Are you talking about his shoulders or the area between his neck and the shoulders? That is technically part of the back called the traps. I don't know about his shoulders. I can't remember how they were when I used to watch him, but if they are like that all the time then they are probably not tensed up. It is just too hard to constantly keep them tense all the time, especially when you have to focus on other things. The vertical striations the muscles in the shoulders make are not that hard to see on somebody if they are relatively big and you are thin enough. I can see them on me when my arm hangs at my side. As far as the traps go, Bill Goldberg's are massive. It looks like they go up almost to his ears. I have been working on mine heavily for a while and they only go up to around in between my chin and my bottom lip. I would have to gain whole inches in height to come close to matching his, so I don't know if he is tensing them up in that picture but they are big.


Closed Account
Sorry to be a wet blanket. But does anybody else find it weird that people use so many resources to make themselves big? Young children are dying all over the world from starvation, and there are people who eat weeks worth of calories, carbs, and protein in one sitting?!?!?!? Is that not vanity?

I know many of you pride yourselves on your bodies and your disciple, but do you need that much food for self-confidence? Do you lift thousands of pounds a day? I do, today I lifted well over a ton in combined weight, all components I have manhandle daily, but I'm a 135 pounder and eat only what I need, and do the same calisthenics and aerobics I could do when I was 10. I don't see the need for men or woman to exceed in anything. Equality come from being equal, not "bigger".

Sorry to come across rude, but be happy with what you are not what you can be if you use in a day what 10 could use in the same day. That's greed and vanity.
Good post, 4G, but I think maybe it's hyper-idealistic. :eek:

I'm upset that approximately 27,000 children around the globe die per day from disease and malnourishment and exposure to weather, etc., but can we really expect everyone to surrender their own wealth/accumulations/possessions/time/creature comforts in order to "equalize" humanity?

Charity and humanitarianism are noble things, and necessary in the world, but, IMO from how I interpreted your post, it's simply not realistic to expect that people will not pursue their own goals and pleasures (USA - "Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness") to make all things equal for everyone around the world. Noble idea, but it'll NEVER happen

Back to topic - everyone keeps mentioning trapezoid muscles (trap. dorsi). Wasn't the thread question really about this "wrestler's" deltoids? Those are the muscles on the shoulders, unless I've forgotten my physiology/biology studies. lol

Or, was the question intended to be about the guy's NECK muscles? :rolleyes: :ban:
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Member, you member...
Nightfly said:

Back to topic - everyone keeps mentioning trapezoid muscles (trap. dorsi). Wasn't the thread question really about this "wrestler's" deltoids? Those are the muscles on the shoulders, unless I've forgotten my physiology/biology studies. lol

Or, was the question intended to be about the guy's NECK muscles? :rolleyes: :ban:
Who knows. The original thread starter has not responded to any posts.
4G63 said:
Sorry to be a wet blanket. But does anybody else find it weird that people use so many resources to make themselves big? Young children are dying all over the world from starvation, and there are people who eat weeks worth of calories, carbs, and protein in one sitting?!?!?!? Is that not vanity?

Vanity? For some maybe it might be, but not from my point of view on myself. If people throughout history never tried to be bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, have more endurance, be more creative, and quicker thinking than the next person then we would still be stuck in the Stone Age. The fact we have too many people in the world is not my fault. I have already vowed to never have more than two children, if I ever have any, because of that. The fact that people in the world that live in areas that have been arid since the last ice age yet still have enormous families is also not my fault. Now that their population has started to get out of control it will make food even that more hard to come by. They should know this since it is common sense. The fact that governments and corporations throughout the world escalate this situation by causing global climate change is also not my fault. I do everything reasonable to limit my impact to it. I don't want everybody lowered into a state of everybody being at the lowest common denominator. I want everybody to be able to rise above to be the best person in all aspects that they want to be.

Also me being in the best physical shape that I can be keeps me that much more prepared for any incidence that I may someday need to use it. It isn’t about aesthetics, although that is nice, it is about function. Who knows, it maybe someday it will be the difference that makes me survive that unexpected car crash, fend off an attacker, go run for help for somebody that is hurt without tiring, or lets me do my normal job better without developing bad degenerative conditions because my body wasn’t able to handle the stress all those years.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think it is vanity that somebody learns martial arts or dancing instead of learning something that might be more beneficial to society, like curing diseases? Do you think it is vanity if we don’t all get up and go recycle our televisions because we really don’t need them that much and the money, material, and resources that are used to make them could go to help out somebody in a third world country. Are we vain if we don’t go and demolish every football field, baseball diamond, basketball court, and race track in the world so we can plant that much more crops to feed everybody? Is it vain to write a poem, song, or draw some artwork on a piece of paper when that said paper could go to help somebody else, or could be recycled to be used for a purpose that is absolutely necessary. In that respects shouldn’t we go whitewash every painting ever done so some child in a poor country can go use it to write something out or do math problems. Wasn’t it vain for ancient explorers to go exploring instead of doing charity work? Would it be vain for somebody to sit down and pray when they could be helping their next-door neighbor with their chores? Is it vain for somebody to dream of being a Formula 1 driver? To drive around in machines that cost millions of dollars for no other purpose than to go fast. Are they really that important? Couldn’t they even do something as simple as use the material that they are made out of to make tools for some poor peasant somewhere to more easily plant the crops he needs? Now, isn’t that vanity?

What you have to remember is that all the stuff above is part of what it means to be human, the part of us that drives to be better than we ever thought we could be. It is things like that that form us and make us the people we are. It doesn't make us vain, it makes us better, life wouldn't be the same without that stuff, and it wouldn't be as good. If we got rid of it, it would destroy an essential part of what it means to be alive.
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4G63 said:
I don't see the need for men or woman to exceed in anything. Equality come from being equal, not "bigger"....

...Sorry to come across rude, but be happy with what you are not what you can be...

The ability to push ourselves with our bodies, our thoughts and knowledge is exactly what has made us evolve and develop. Animals tend to do exactly "enough" and that's it. Man wants to improve and climb higher, be better.

It's not much of a surprise for me to see you post that - as you also have a facsination with earning neg rep to go to zero. Competition is still, and I imagine always will be, a fundamental motivator for human thought and development. Many of us compete in almost everything we undertake. I do find, that those that can't compete are the ones who choose not to, in whatever area one chooses to look at. (I can't design and tailor clothes, so I don't try and compete there. Bizzare example, but you see my point)

It's a cynical, negative and maybe a bit immature attitude to not want to exceed or achieve. What is wrong with setting goals to better oneself, and spending a lifetime trying to achieve them? It is the road of life. I've seen those that sit by and don't try to compete or improve - terribly bitter men.

The fact is, the resources that anyone uses to improve are not wasted - they are spent in the mind and body to often better the soul.

I did too, for a short time, question the motivation of the buyers of the products that I help create (exotic autos). In the end, it is impossible to accurately judge those that push and rise to the top in whatever they do. Maybe if you are a family member, you have a clear view, but the rest of us do not. I would rather be surrounded by those that test and push and create and challenge, than those that are complacent, sedintary and cynical (and pehaps more than a bit jealous.).

I always posted my best times (as a swimmer), when I raced with the best. I knew early in my sporting career (maybe age 7 or 8), that to get to the top, it would take immese self motivation and discipline, supplimented by the knowlege that those behind me, touching my heels wanted my place, just as much as I wanted the place of the guy in front of me that I was hitting on the heels. I could have "opted out" - but that was worse for me than losing, it would have been quitting.
About 15 years ago I composed a song that I named "The Complacency With Mundanity." I wrote it because a few of my family members and friends had become so complacent, dull, unmotivated in their lives, settled into routine, and (frankly) boring. They married, got into a routine, lost romantic spontanaiety with their spouses, and never did anything for themselves except to go to work to earn their paychecks, having dropped their hobbies and socialization pretty well completely; they became different people and lost/dropped their former character almost altogether.

I'm a long-term relationship dating guy and very much "the marrying type," but so many people surrender to routine, having "caught" their spouse. Once they marry, they become lazy, self-indulgent slobs, male and female alike, and never strive for self-improvement at all, career-wise, in their body, in their education, etc.

The idea of not "bettering" one's self out of some sort of protest against Darwinism is "Utopian." No offense, 4G, but I've seen your really eloquent and thoughful posts of late, but your post here about people giving up their talents, enjoyments, and personal motivations, etc. because they should be ashamed that there are people who are "worse off" than them is sort of silly and terribly ill-founded as a concept, IMO.

Frivolity and excess are concerns - people spending 100 million dollars on a house... Someone working out in a gym 20 hours a week, for physical fitness or health reasons, or even for bodybuilding, pales (or doesn't even compare) in comparison to that sort of extravagance. It's for sel-improvement and that's to be admired.

If we humans, as "animals," didn't strive to better ourselves in various ways, out of "social guilt," evolution would have never begun and would never continue.

:2 cents: :hatsoff:
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Closed Account
D-rock said:
Let me ask you a question. Do you think it is vanity that somebody learns martial arts or dancing instead of learning something that might be more beneficial to society, like curing diseases? Do you think it is vanity if we don’t all get up and go recycle our televisions because we really don’t need them that much and the money, material, and resources that are used to make them could go to help out somebody in a third world country. Are we vain if we don’t go and demolish every football field, baseball diamond, basketball court, and race track in the world so we can plant that much more crops to feed everybody? Is it vain to write a poem, song, or draw some artwork on a piece of paper when that said paper could go to help somebody else, or could be recycled to be used for a purpose that is absolutely necessary. In that respects shouldn't’t we go whitewash every painting ever done so some child in a poor country can go use it to write something out or do math problems. Wasn’t it vain for ancient explorers to go exploring instead of doing charity work? Would it be vain for somebody to sit down and pray when they could be helping their next-door neighbor with their chores? Is it vain for somebody to dream of being a Formula 1 driver? To drive around in machines that cost millions of dollars for no other purpose than to go fast. Are they really that important? Couldn’t they even do something as simple as use the material that they are made out of to make tools for some poor peasant somewhere to more easily plant the crops he needs? Now, isn’t that vanity?

Yes, it is IMO even my dream. Your right, and so is BNF in this statement.

BNF said:
It's not much of a surprise for me to see you post that - as you also have a fascination with earning neg rep to go to zero. Competition is still, and I imagine always will be, a fundamental motivator for human thought and development.

Like I said I was not trying to be rude. It's true I'm not above anyone else, I waste fuel on my own desire for speed and power. More fuel than I have a right to, I can afford it, but does that make it right?

It's true I am a family man, and I see what life's of excess will leave our children. Think of all we missed because of the greed and vanity of previous generations. I have also seen a place were the people are so deprived they don't even have the knowledge to better themselves, to rise out of the caves. While we on the other hand argue the finer points of excess in our relative castles, using our $1000 computers. Computers we are able to and do use to look at porn. It's not our fault. No it's not, but what about doing what's right. If BNF, 4G63, and D-rock put our heads, bodies, and money, together, just for a year, into making the world better for all, we could actually make a difference, we could.

I have achieved more in my life than I thought I could, more than I have ever wanted, and it did not come from being the best, the strongest, the fastest, the richest, or any other "est". It came from my few selfless moments. If I were to help everyone, I would need nothing, because everyone would help me.

I think it's time to stop, for me at least. Stop smoking, stop drinking, stop wasting, and start helping. I'm stronger than I have ever needed, smarter than any situation has dictated, and have burned more fuel than I have a right to. I'm happier than I have ever thought possible, I don't need anymore, but my child does, and millions across the world do, you might not be parents but your good men, responsible men. Men who could do more than me, I and the world would appreciate it.

Competition has done much for us, good and bad. Maybe competition in the year two thousand and six AD should be based not on vanity, but virtue.

I really did not try to offend, just my unabashed feelings on the subject. While I might not agree with y'all, I will say you conduct yourselves as gentlemen and I do respect that, that goes for Nightfly as well.
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