Going Out And Bagging A Hooker vs Staying Home, Hitting The Bong, And Punishing Percy?

I love prostitutes like nobody's business but I'm also a lazy cheap fuck who often stays home enjoying my weed and fiddling around with my wiener in the dark. Yesterday I spent a lovely afternoon with Lemon Drop but today I will have a cloud of dope in my head eventually reaching down inside my underwears. Not sure which day will be brighter but precipitation is in the forecast either way.
I love prostitutes like nobody's business but I'm also a lazy cheap fuck who often stays home enjoying my weed and fiddling around with my wiener in the dark. Yesterday I spent a lovely afternoon with Lemon Drop but today I will have a cloud of dope in my head eventually reaching down inside my underwears. Not sure which day will be brighter but precipitation is in the forecast either way.

I couldn't do it. It's like asking for directions, I could never pay for it in real life.

There's porn and there's my wife. Oh shit, I mean vice versa.
Double aces if you can bang a top 10 looking whore who would like to toke afterwards...
If I was crazed on cocaine with my wiener limp like pushing wet spaghetti against a wall I'd be enraged and have a mason jar full of hooker's nipples by sunrise. Since I'm a stoner I just wanna be nice and cover her with warm custard.

What do you think would happen if you were on meth?
What do you think would happen if you were on meth?

Never took meth but I've heard it doesn't give you as many problems in the limp dick department. If I were to take a harder drug now it wouldn't be meth but probably heroin.

Punishing percy is less expensive with the same result.

It surely is. Many times I planned to go out and snatch some paid pussy but I took that first bong hit, watched some porno on the computer, then dragged my ass over to the bathroom to leave a nice puddle on the floor between my feet.