Going deep in a huge hole

The Er Wang Dong cave system in China is so cavernous it has it's own weather system. Fascinating.

Adventurers have stumbled across a cave so enormous that it has its own weather system, complete with wispy clouds and lingering fog inside vast caverns.

A team of expert cavers and photographers have been exploring the vast cave system in the
Chongquing province of China and have taken the first-ever photographs of the natural wonder.

They were amazed to discover the entrance to the hidden Er Wang Dong cave system and were stunned when they managed to climb inside to see a space so large that it can contain a cloud.


Steer fucking clear and for fuck's sake don't go any deeper. Did nobody watch The Descent? Put me off spelunking for life.
With this new discovery, do you think they will make a sequel to "The Descent?" :dunno:


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Somehow I knew this thread didn't involve a porn star spreading her butthole.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Also fascinating and begging to be explored. Just maybe not for the first time.

^ If we ever bring back dinosaurs à la Jurassic Park, we should put them in there because it'd be cool and we could watch them fight and stuff. And I'm 14.

Yes, I want to see T-Rex's damn it. And throw in a Sabre Toothed Tiger as well.
And of course the Chinese will find some way to turn it into something they can exploit. Maybe a tourist attraction/resort or something.