They said the EXACT same things regarding global cooling 30 years ago! Crop and food shortages and all other kinds of mayhem!
Why should I believe them now when they are talking about the same "impact" only in the warmer direction?
Our understanding of the climate is better with better climate models and better supercomputers understanding those changes. No model is without fault because the variables are so many as to make it impossible to keep track of them all, and human understanding is never all encompassing, but there is a reason the vast majority of climatologist think global warming is real, is man made, is caused by greenhouse gasses, and at best will be extremely bad for the world even if they don't think it will be life altering. When the vast majority of scientists believe something it is usually because the evidence supports it through study and observation using the Scientific Method. Does that mean every single question about it is answered, no. But just like every aspect of the Big Bang theory is not understood doesn't mean that most scientist don't believe in it because the vast majority of evidence and experiments supports that model of reality. That is a major difference in scientist in this are than in Galileo’s era. He had the vast amount of observable evidence and Scientific Method on his side and the others were the ones that ignored it.
There is vast amounts of observable changes that can be readily seen that weren't there in the past, from huge ice chunks breaking off of Antarctica to the glaciers of Greenland melting, rising worldwide temperatures, increasing and more powerful storms, changes in rainfall, the north pole loosing the amount of ice that covers it, changes in animal migrations, and plants starting to bloom and develop weeks before they have decades in the past and other things.
The changes are not only increasing they are acceleration. In the past it was insignificant and slow enough that it wasn't readily observable, and there were a lot less people focusing on it. It is becoming a lot more obvious. The climate change will be off the charts for any time people have recorded history or any evidence has found in anything resembling recent history on a geological scale. This isn’t' something that is shown to be within standard deviations the last couple of millennia or even a lot further back. It's happening so quickly that it's starting to resemble an unusual planetary event unlike the natural progression the Earth has gone through in the past.
The changes are happening so fast on a geological scale that it's hard to reconcile it as coincidence that it's happening at the same exact time we are pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Volcanoes have been erupting for a long time. Krakatoa is thought to erupt at periodic intervals and have absolutely massive eruptions when it does it because of how it's formed and the way the Earth's plates and magma pockets sit underneath it, yet the world has not experienced any change like this in the recent geological record. This isn’t to mention that it happened long enough ago that most greenhouse gases would have been absorbed back or at least it effects leveled off by now.
Before there were less greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and more pollution in the form of other particles that causes "global dimming" because it reflects the suns light back into space. That reduced the effects of global warming in the past. Now it has gotten to the point where it can't hold it back anymore, and we have reduced pollution but not have reduced greenhouse gasses to the same extent which means global warming is getting worse because of that and was almost always probably worse than we even thought in the past.