Global Warming? Really?



The Eastern two-thirds of the United States is in the grips of a long-lasting spell of harsh, arctic cold.

We are already in the midst of the first wave of the cold air invasion. The second and likely even colder air mass is beginning its descent over the eastern United States today.

By Sunday morning, this second wave of very cold air will have made its way as far south as the Florida Keys

Mid West is going to expect -30 wind chills
Flordia might get snow

Where is Al Gore now?
Global warming not only means that global average temperatures rise. It also means more extreme weather conditions: Frostier winters, hotter summers, more severe thunderstorms.


Global warming not only means that global average temperatures rise. It also means more extreme weather conditions: Frostier winters, hotter summers, more severe thunderstorms.

Oh fuck, were are going to be invaded by an Army of Frosties. this is worse than I thought.
Global warming not only means that global average temperatures rise. It also means more extreme weather conditions: Frostier winters, hotter summers, more severe thunderstorms.

There are as many reasons why this isn't the case as reasons why it might be. Everything about climate change is guesswork dressed up.For examples the incidence of hurricanes has fallen recently. probably pure coincidence.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
the world doesn't only exist within the lower 48. While I agree that the global warming hype was WAY over done, something is happening. I have heard a couple guys on the radio talking about a coming Ice Age. Not convinced of that either, but the weather has changed in the past 20 years
Really people I have seen this one coming for years. Everywhere is going to get things they have not experienced. Its gonna be great. Whats life without a little change.
There are as many reasons why this isn't the case as reasons why it might be. Everything about climate change is guesswork dressed up.For examples the incidence of hurricanes has fallen recently. probably pure coincidence.
Agreed! But everyone trying to paint the concept of global warming as nonsense on the basis of a cold winter season is ignoring scientific knowledge in order to push an agenda.

The jury is still out on future developments. But you can't deny the facts on global temperatures having risen in recent years.

People have started to grow crops in Greenland. :yinyang:
Yeah, sure as hell isn't warm here now either. Highs in the low 30's, lows in the teens. Our normal temps for this time of year are highs in mid 40's, lows in 30's.

But seriously, if there is a global warming trend happening, it isn't man made and there is little we can do about it. The earth is SLOWLY drifting closer to the sun on it's orbit. It happens ever few thousand years. It will get hot as it did during the dinosaur age, then the earth will SLOWLY move further away in a few thousand years creating another ice age, then it will SLOWLY drift back to it's normal position.
But it is a SLOW process, don't expect drastic changes like the movie "the Day After Tomorrow"


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Mid West is going to expect -30 wind chills
Flordia might get snow

Where is Al Gore now?

Oh, you didn't hear? According to "respected Scientists" (at least ones who side with, AKA - get paid to say that they believe in, Global Warming anyway), not only do temperatures get warmer with Global Warming, they also get COLDER...with...Global...WARMING???

Agreed! But everyone trying to paint the concept of global warming as nonsense on the basis of a cold winter season is ignoring scientific knowledge in order to push an agenda.

The jury is still out on future developments. But you can't deny the facts on global temperatures having risen in recent years.

People have started to grow crops in Greenland. :yinyang:

Certainly they rose recently but this fits exactly with a set of cycles of changes over the last few thousand years.And it's still a shade cooler than when the Romans occupied Britain.And Greenland was so named because it was er green was being farmed a millenium ago.


Global warming:thefinger, tell that to the ass load of snow I got and cold as fuck temps. Another progressive, liberal lie.
Certainly they rose recently but this fits exactly with a set of cycles of changes over the last few thousand years.And it's still a shade cooler than when the Romans occupied Britain.And Greenland was so named because it was er green was being farmed a millenium ago.

I said to myself I wasn't going to get involved in these debates anymore because they never seem to go anywhere, but the statement I have highlighted above made me wonder as to what information you are basing that claim on?

Would it in fact be the H. H Lamb graph that you were referring to: ?

Now whilst it is a good graph based upon credible research it does have one fatal flaw to its design. The temperature data in which it is based only uses data collected from the UK and Western Europe. Now of course that doesn't take away from the fact that there was a warming period in Western Europe at that time for whatever reason, but it really doesn't give us an overall picture of planetary climate of the past 1000 or so years.

For a more substantial piece of research I would point you to some of the recent data and graphs to come out of Climate science that refutes this data. The so called 'hockey stick' graph for one. Which when placed side by side with other sets of research in the field does show correlation:*

* What you'll see here is the original graph and then below it the later version that takes into account some of the criticism pointed towards it - plotted alongside other sets of data from other teams of climate researchers that was gained from a variety of different research sources that are listed in the key below.

Now I don't want to get into a debate over Climate change as a whole, I just felt that statement needed some clarification.


20 degrees in Houston tomorrow... a month 'r' so back we had a record early snowfall, but since when I was a little person we never had snow the temps are getting colder as we speak.
In the 70s I was in Turkey during the coldest, worst Winter in 40 years...etc.
Yet when I was in Munich months before at the start of the Winter people told me no snow on the ground in the city for 3 years...weird to them.

Climate change might have been understood better and more sensible steps taken if Gore and his carbon-credit selling posse hadn't made it so much bullshit.
Now, no one with any sense credits any Global Warming scenario without years of actual hard proof.
It's been way warmer here in was 55 degrees every day last week, which is almost 20 degrees above normal. We had one day of pitiful snowfall this year as opposed to 2 feet during a week's span last year.

So as far as Oregon goes, I believe in global warming.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
So by your logic, Jason, next summer when it hits 102 degrees in Chicago that will prove that global warming does exist? I think conservatives deny the existence of global warming because they hate Al Gore and for no other reason in particular. The scientific evidence that the average temperature (not in any single given place or extreme situation like we have now with this cold snap) has risen and continues to rise is a documented fact. One can debate the extent to which mankind contributes to this phenomenon as opposed to just the natural ebb and flow of climatic change that has taken place since the earth was first formed but its existence is undeniable.