What do you mean you don't believe it?
- More and more of Earth is becoming desert
- Deforestation leads to less CO2-absorption
- The mean sea level is rising
- Increasing temperatures leads to polar ice caps melting, which means less solar energy reflected and lower ocean salinity. It also frees methane from the tundras, which is a greenhouse gas.
- CO2, CO, NOX, S ... are all emitted from human industry and traffic, and they affect climate and environment. Driving less and using cleaner energy would lower these emissions.
- Increasing population and industrial technology are contributing factors to climate change.
- Fossil fuels produce CO2 as a biproduct.
Is it any of this, or something related to it, you mean is not true? I would like to know what it is you don't believe. If you don't CARE, that's one thing, but what in this is a matter of belief?