Glenn Beck's "Christmas Sweater" A Major Flop at City Cinemas - 17 Tix Sold in NYC!

...and I should probably remind you, NYC was hit hard on 9/11 !!

The sad flip-side to this (don't let this story restore your faith in humanity so fast!) is probably that in rural areas where the average education level is high school or less (that is, areas that aren't ELITIST!), the "film" packed the theaters.... :(


Last night, Fox News host Glenn Beck premiered his new live show based on his book The Christmas Sweater, which was simulcast to hundreds of movie theaters across the country. Sponsor Fathom Events called it a “once in a lifetime event,” during which “Glenn will tell you about the real life events that inspired him to write” the book, play clips from his 2008 national tour, and “share stories of the overwhelming response he received.” Despite heavy promotion on Beck’s radio and TV shows, and in-theater trailers, ticket sales were weak in major cities: Beck sold only 17 tickets in Boston, another 17 in New York, and just 30 in Washington, DC. Raw Story reports that, while sales were better in more conservative areas, even Seattle — which is near Beck’s hometown — couldn’t muster a strong crowd:

While it performed better in the south and in rural, more conservative areas, his ability to draw viewers in major US markets was a bust.

“The theater’s almost empty,” a representative at Regal Cinemas in Manhattan told Raw Story moments before it began.

Here's a funny review of it, too:
Re: Glenn Beck's "Christmas Sweater" A Major Flop at City Cinemas - 17 Tix Sold in NY

Instead of a sweater his mother should have knitted him a straight jacket and keep him in it.
Re: Glenn Beck's "Christmas Sweater" A Major Flop at City Cinemas - 17 Tix Sold in NY

There are probably 15 conservatives in NYC so somebody must have seen it twice.
Re: Glenn Beck's "Christmas Sweater" A Major Flop at City Cinemas - 17 Tix Sold in NY

More proof that this guy is the voice of no one. He needs to go away and stop being given a platform from which to speak.
Re: Glenn Beck's "Christmas Sweater" A Major Flop at City Cinemas - 17 Tix Sold in NY

The sad flip-side to this (don't let this story restore your faith in humanity so fast!) is probably that in rural areas where the average education level is high school or less (that is, areas that aren't ELITIST!), the "film" packed the theaters.... :(

Could you possibly be a bigger douchebag? You and I may think Beck is an utter tool and have no desire to see this, but those who do are not bad people, and slamming people who live in rural areas, calling them poorly educated (which only a completely ignorant moron would believe) and crapping all over a huge segment of society makes you just as big (if not bigger) of a tool as Beck. Grow up, or pull your head out of your ass. Either one would make the world a better place.
Re: Glenn Beck's "Christmas Sweater" A Major Flop at City Cinemas - 17 Tix Sold in NY

Yet a liberal elitist loves to vote for a stupid southerner running for prez who just happened to grow up in an "uneducated" rural area ,

See Carter, James

Clinton, William