Dick Cheney http://www.zisch.ch/openmedia_custom/files/BXMediaOne190801file.jpg Give me a big wig
D dick van cock Closed Account Feb 27, 2008 #261 Dick Cheney http://www.zisch.ch/openmedia_custom/files/BXMediaOne190801file.jpg Give me a big wig
Fresno Feb 27, 2008 #262 big wig http://www.sillyjokes.co.uk/images/dress-up/wigs/ladies/beth-wig-big.jpg Give me big ball of twine
big wig http://www.sillyjokes.co.uk/images/dress-up/wigs/ladies/beth-wig-big.jpg Give me big ball of twine
member006 Closed Account Mar 10, 2008 #263 Ball of twine. http://www.flyoverpeople.net/images/CC-Twine.jpg Give me a green poodle.
slowhand Closed Account Mar 10, 2008 #264 One green poodle http://bp0.blogger.com/_vLh72DCzDNQ/RjUUWdV0KNI/AAAAAAAAAEc/SChJbNwYUfg/s320/Green%20Dog.jpg Give me a funny chicken.
One green poodle http://bp0.blogger.com/_vLh72DCzDNQ/RjUUWdV0KNI/AAAAAAAAAEc/SChJbNwYUfg/s320/Green%20Dog.jpg Give me a funny chicken.
Fresno Mar 10, 2008 #265 funny chicken http://www.flickr.com/photos/chezmichelle/120346743/ Give me a 2008 car
slowhand Closed Account Mar 10, 2008 #266 2008 car Ferrari http://farm1.static.flickr.com/180/462847019_5014f31435.jpg Give me a Foot long hot dog
2008 car Ferrari http://farm1.static.flickr.com/180/462847019_5014f31435.jpg Give me a Foot long hot dog
Fresno Mar 10, 2008 #267 Foot long hot dog http://www.flickr.com/photos/myklroventine/1326613936/ give me the longest tongue
member006 Closed Account Mar 10, 2008 #268 http://www.worldslongesttongue.com/ Give me a man in a tutu
Fresno Mar 10, 2008 #269 man in tutu http://www.flickr.com/photos/larryfishkorn/130201671/ give me a wet Kiss
member006 Closed Account Mar 11, 2008 #271 Hooters Hotties http://www.yourdirtymind.com/front/ff.jpg Give me blue grass and not the music.
slowhand Closed Account Mar 11, 2008 #272 some bluegrass http://www.northcreeknurseries.com/_ccLib/image/plants/DETA-391.jpg Give me a big hole in the ground.
some bluegrass http://www.northcreeknurseries.com/_ccLib/image/plants/DETA-391.jpg Give me a big hole in the ground.
Fresno Mar 12, 2008 #273 big hole in the ground http://www.flickr.com/photos/airdrie_on_flickr/233631555/ Give me the biggest nose
big hole in the ground http://www.flickr.com/photos/airdrie_on_flickr/233631555/ Give me the biggest nose
slowhand Closed Account Mar 12, 2008 #274 Biggest nose. http://www.sillyfarm.com/12Costumes/woochie/cinema_largest_nose.gif Give me a jack in the box
Biggest nose. http://www.sillyfarm.com/12Costumes/woochie/cinema_largest_nose.gif Give me a jack in the box
Manny460 Mar 12, 2008 #275 Jack in the Box http://edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/sped/images/reallifephotos/Jack in the Box.jpg Give me a cap gun.
Jack in the Box http://edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/sped/images/reallifephotos/Jack in the Box.jpg Give me a cap gun.
slowhand Closed Account Mar 12, 2008 #276 one cap gun http://storeforknowledge.com/images/schyl-cg.jpg Give me a duck in a pond.
slowhand Closed Account Mar 12, 2008 #278 A large Victorian house. http://img.groundspeak.com/waymarking/display/42eb4dc7-186f-4b54-a939-35f9d3aa06f1.jpg Give Me a stack of pancakes
A large Victorian house. http://img.groundspeak.com/waymarking/display/42eb4dc7-186f-4b54-a939-35f9d3aa06f1.jpg Give Me a stack of pancakes
member006 Closed Account Mar 12, 2008 #280 Cat http://www.cat-alog.com/calendars/2008-calico.jpg Show me a Island