Im a tattooer, been at it for 11 years now.
For the record, I am generally
VERY disappointed at the quality (
or lack of) work these girls have on them!!!
Its freakin' amazing to see the amount of shitty tattoos out there on these girls!!
Ive always lived by: Pretty girls should have pretty tattoos. Unfortunately, 90% are crap in the adult biz.
And yes, even the little tattoos are HORRIBLY DONE on most of them!
You'd think they'd get some top-notch names in the (tattoo) biz to work on them for gods sake-
I havent gone through this thread entirely yet, but I'd like to put a list together sometime of the crap work out there, verses the good stuff.
Man, if I could only get a name for myself tattooing JUST porn girls, trust me, it would ALL be NICE work, and i'd be covering up A LOT of junk in the process-