Name: Kristy from
Age: 19
Height: 4' 11
Employment: Restaurant Hostess
Pictures: 400 High Resolution Pictures
I met Kristy at one of the local restaurants last week around town last week. I was standing in the line behind Kristy and her guy friend. Apparently, the dude really likes tattoos a lot and noticed the tattoo on my arm. He asked me about it and I told him that it was the name of my amateur modeling website. He started telling Kristy that she should model nude for my website but she just kinda laughed about it. She thought that he was joking with her but he was actually being serious! They both invited me to sit down with them to eat lunch and we discussed the nude modeling idea some more. The dude kept telling Kristy that we could go over to his house after eating and that we could do the photo shoot over there since his roommate was at work.
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photo above used from the gallery