Girls Sucking Their Thumbs

There are tons of photos on this subject, all over the net:

I've also met quite a few myself, in real life, who suck their thumb habitually. One girlfriend ended up mooning me in my sleep and actually figured out how to get ME to suck HER thumb without knowing. Problem was, eventually that became the way for her to fall asleep and, yes, my teeth started moving after some years which made sense since her teeth were jacked up in a major way. She eventually had to move (job) and I was amazed how long it took for me to get over this weird habit she got me, unconsciously, into somehow. Long story....

Looking for pics/vids of women sucking their thumbs.

Like in this picture of Ryan Keely:
012.jpg 12 from this gallery)

Anyone else?
Just discovered this amazingly gorgeous Ella Woods – sometime redhead & sometime blonde – who has a super-pretty face and a really nice flat-chested long body and all the right parts including very sexy hands and feet – I love the way the blue veins stand out on her arms and sexy hands, very fit & hot!

Ella Woods redhead/sucking thumb blonde/sucking thumb