Girl with 3 tits??? WTF

That 3rd tit is definitely casting a shadow in some of those clips, so I don't think it's a digitally faked image. But I suppose it could be a rubber tit.
no third

That tit is as fake as chemtrails.
1) Look at the 4th clip. You can see the difference in the skin tone and sheen. Also where the third tit is connected to the chest. Pretty well blended as far as amateur SFX goes but still fake.
2) It barely gets touched, sucked or squeezed. Or fucked! No one bothers to play with it as it would be my first intent. It doesn't appear to move like fat and skin. I'd be fucking the shit out of it.
3) If this was a real tit, it would most likely have been lopped off sometime during adolescence when it started to sprout; what teenager wants a freakish chest?

Not bad but fake nevertheless.
That is sooo fake, what is this something from Total Recall ? :rofl:

either that or she's lives too close to Three Mile Island :rofl:
these kind of sites prove just how stupid we men are.
we are ready to believe that this could be real.....and we actually have to debate about it!
and some people will even pay for it!!!!!!!
3 tits,2 vaginas,70cm dicks,you name it,I do feel some people are missing the point here....
if make-up can make martin lawrence look like a "Big Mamma",then putting a 3rd tit on a chick wouldn't be much of a problem now,would it?
The more titties the better, she should have 2 on her back and one where her anus should be to be perfect.

Anyways this ain't fake its an optical illusion there is actually only 1 tit, nice trick he.